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DUTA Press Release 10.4.2023

Date: 10.04.2023

Press Release


DUTA Protests Against Displacement

Demand for the Absorption/Regularisation of Ad-hoc Teachers

Appointment of Ad-hoc Teachers' should be resumed


Delhi University Teachers Association (DUTA) organized a one-day dharna at VC Office, Gate No. 1 of Delhi University to protest against displacement, Not Found Suitable (NFS), workload and reduction in the batch size of class/tutorial/practical groups  and other demands of teachers. A large number of teachers including many  senior activists participated in the dharna.


Addressing the  agitated teachers, DUTA President, Prof. Ajay Kumar Bhagi said that the displacement of long serving ad-hoc teachers should be stopped immediately in the ongoing interview process. The ousting of long-serving teachers is inhumane and promotes social insecurity in the working ad-hoc teaching community, which is not in the interest of academic environment, teachers and the university. The problem of adhocism has raised due to the lack of a regular recruitment process by the previous administration. It is not the teachers but the university administration who is responsible for this mess. Now, these qualified and promising ad-hoc teachers are being thrown out or discriminated in the name of not found suitable (NFS), is not acceptable to DUTA at any cost.


DUTA President reiterated that DUTA is committed to the demand of absorption for ad hoc teachers.Prof. Ajay Kumar Bhagi said that many teachers have lost their livelihood due to the displacement. The university administration should start the process of appointing ad hoc teachers again so that these displaced teachers can get opportunities.

The DUTA President expressed concern over the delay in receipt of grants in twelve colleges funded by the Delhi Government and some other colleges for the past several years and said that DUTA is very serious on this issue. He said that no stone would be left unturned on the issue of regularizing the grants so that all the teachers could get their salaries on time and pensions to the retired teachers.


 The DUTA president also demanded from the Central and Delhi government, the release of teaching positions due to the implementation of EWS reservation with immediate effect.


DUTA Secretary Surendra Singh expressed concern over the discrimination against Physical Education teachers and said that the superannuation age of Physical Education teachers should be 65 years like the rest of the teachers. He demanded that the provision of written examination for the post of Director in the appointment of Physical Education teachers should be canceled with immediate effect.


DUTA Vice President, Prof Pradeep Kumar said that Not Found Suitable (NFS) should not be done as the candidates were called for the interview only after fulfilling the prescribed minimum qualification while DUTA Treasurer, Dr Chaman Singh said that DUTA has also protested against increasing the age limit of 70 years for contract teaching after retirement in DU departments by five years.


(Prof A K Bhagi) (Dr Surender Singh)

President, DUTA Secretary, DUTA


प्रेस विज्ञप्ति



दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय शिक्षक संघ विस्थापन के विरोध में डूटा का धरना तदर्थ शिक्षकों के समायोजन की मांग तदर्थ  शिक्षक नियुक्ति पुन शुरू की जाए


दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय में असिस्टेंट प्रोफेसर की नियुक्तियों होने वाले विस्थापन, नॉट फाउंड सूटेबल और  वर्कलोड और बैच का  आकार कम करने के विरोध में  तथा अन्य शिक्षक मांगों के समर्थन में  डी यू वी सी ऑफिस, गेट नंबर 1 पर एक दिवसीय धरने का आयोजन किया। धरने में  अनेक शिक्षक नेताओं सहित बड़ी संख्या में शिक्षकों ने हिस्सेदारी की।


धरने में शामिल शिक्षकों  को संबोधित करते हुए दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय शिक्षक संघ अध्यक्ष प्रो अजय कुमार भागी ने कहा  कि विस्थापन की प्रकिया को तुरंत रोका जाना चाहिए। लंबे समय से कार्यरत शिक्षकों को बाहर किया जाना अमानवीय है और इससे कार्यरत तदर्थ शिक्षक समुदाय में सामाजिक असुरक्षा  को बढ़ावा मिलता है जो कि शिक्षा, शिक्षक और विश्वविधालय के हित में नहीं है। तदर्थवाद की समस्या नियमित रूप से भर्ती प्रक्रिया नहीं होने के कारण हुई है ।इसके लिए शिक्षक  नहीं बल्कि विश्वविधालय प्रशासन जिम्मेदार है।अब इन योग्य और होनहार तदर्थ शिक्षकों को बाहर किया जा रहा है या नॉट फाउंड सूटेबल करार किया जा रहा है जो डूटा को स्वीकार्य नहीं है।


डूटा अध्यक्ष ने दोहराया कि डूटा तदर्थ शिक्षकों के समायोजन की मांग पर संकल्पबद्ध है। प्रो अजय कुमार भागी ने कहा कि विस्थापन के कारण अनेक शिक्षक सड़क पर  गए हैं।विश्वविद्यालय प्रशासन को दुबारा से तदर्थ शिक्षक नियुक्ति की प्रकिया शुरु करनी चाहिए ताकि इन  विस्थापित हुए प्रतिभासंपन्न शिक्षकों को अवसर मिल सके।

डूटा अध्यक्ष ने पिछले कई वर्षों से दिल्ली सरकार के वित पोषित बारह कॉलेजों और अन्य कुछ कॉलेजों में  विलंब से ग्रांट मिलने पर चिंता जताई और कहा कि डूटा इस मुद्दे पर अत्यंत गंभीर है  उन्होंने कहा कि ग्रांट नियमित कराने के मुद्दे पर कोई कोर कसर नहीं छोड़ी जाएगी ताकि सभी शिक्षकों को समय से वेतन और सेवानिवृत शिक्षकों को पेंशन मिल सके।  


डूटा अध्यक्ष ने धरने में केन्द्र सरकार से आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर वर्ग के आरक्षण से बढ़े हुए शिक्षक पदों को तुरन्त प्रभाव से जारी करने की मांग भी की। 


डूटा सचिव सुरेंद्र सिंह ने शारीरिक शिक्षकों के साथ होने वाले भेदभाव पर चिंता जताई और कहा कि शारिरिक शिक्षकों की सेवानिवृत्ति की समय सीमा बाकी शिक्षकों की तरह पैंसठ वर्ष की जाए। शारिरिक शिक्षकों की नियुक्ति में डायरेक्टर के पद पर लिखित परीक्षा का जो प्रावधान किया गया है उसे तुंरत प्रभाव से निरस्त किया जाना चाहिए।


डूटा उपाध्यक्ष डा प्रदीप कुमार ने कहा कि नॉट फाउंड सूटेबल नहीं किया जाना चाहिए क्योंकि इंटरव्यू के लिए अभ्यर्थी को  निर्धारित न्यूनतम योग्यता पूर्ण करने पर ही  बुलाया जाता है।   डूटा कोषाध्यक्ष डा चमन सिंह ने 


बताया कि डूटा ने डी यू के विभागों में सेवानिवृति के बाद पांच साल बढ़ाकर कांट्रेक्ट पर अध्यापन हेतु  सत्तर वर्ष आयु  किए जाने को लेकर भी विरोध जताया है। 




प्रो ए के भागी  डॉ सुरेंद्र सिंह

   (अध्यक्ष)     (सचिव)

Delhi University Teachers' Association (DUTA)
Day Centre Building, Chhatra Marg
University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Tel: 27667822, 27666351, 27667725/1697


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