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Resolution and decisions of the DUTA Extended Executive of 31.3.2021

Resolution and decisions of the DUTA Extended Executive of 31.3.2021

DUTA Extended Executive of 31.3.2021

The DUTA Executive salutes teachers for intensifying the movement to Save the 12 DU Colleges that are 100% funded by Delhi Government. Teachers have participated in the mass action programmes despite the ongoing health crisis. The movement forced the Delhi Government to release over 90 crores on 12.3.2021 and promise additional 28 crores on 16.3.2021. The release of this additional grant and details of its distribution is yet awaited. The DUTA movement also forced the University to take concrete steps to uphold DU rules and regulations and interest of these 12 DU Colleges.

The DUTA Extended Executive notes that while there are no fresh moves towards resolution of issues by the Office of the Chief Minister, the Vice Chancellor invited DUTA delegation on 23.3.2021. In a meeting where the Dean, Colleges and Director, South Campus were also present, the DUTA delegation was assured full support to the 12 DU colleges through concrete actions as may be necessary to ensure no change in their status as constituent colleges of the University. The officials informed the DUTA that as per the decision taken in the meeting with a delegation of DUTA Office Bearers and DUPA on 15.3.2021, the University had already written to the Director, Directorate of Higher Education on 15.3.2021 regarding use of Student Society Fund and Pattern of Assistance. The University letter dated 15.3.2021 in no uncertain terms states: “Any decision taken by the Governing Body contrary to above rules, may invoke provisions of Statute 30(1)(D) of the University”.

The DUTA Extended Executive resolves that the agitation on the issue of the 12 DU Colleges shall continue to demand restoration of regular adequate Grant-in-Aid, withdrawal of Pattern of Assistance and quashing the appointment of Sr AOs.

The DUTA demands that the University takes concrete steps which ensures that the 12 DU Colleges are governed within the framework of DU Act and Ordinances. The DUTA Executive demands that the University convenes emergent meeting of Executive Council to pass resolutions against Pattern of Assistance and appointment of Sr AOs in the 12 DU Colleges.

Keeping in mind the decision of the 16 March DUTA Executive on the issue of Absorption and the feedback of Staff Associations received on the issue of the 12 DU Colleges, the DUTA Executive decided unanimously on the following course of action.

1. 5 April: Jansamvad in the constituency of Sh Arvind Kejriwal.

2. 7 April: Rally to MoE to demand one-time Regulation for Absorption as per DoPT Roster. Teachers to assemble at Mandi House at 11 am.

3. 9 April: Jansamvad in the constituency of Sh Manish Sisodia.

4. DUTA to do Gherao in Colleges wherever Governing Body Meetings are held to adopt Pattern of Assistance.

For the Jansamvad programme on 5 April and 9 April, Colleges will be divided and given responsibility of conducting outreach programme at various sites in these constituencies. Details of the locations and format shall be issued.

All protest programmes to be carried forward by observing COVID 19 safety protocols.

While teachers will return to their classes from 1 April 2021, the DUTA Executive urges the University to take immediate steps. The DUTA shall resume Strike from 12 April in case the University fails to take concrete steps to safeguard interest of employees and colleges.

In solidarity

Warm Regards

Rajib Ray
President, DUTA

Rajinder Singh
Secretary, DUTA


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