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DUTA Reporting and Resolutions adopted in the Executive meeting of 23.12.2020

DUTA Reporting and Resolutions adopted in the Executive meeting of 23.12.2020

President/Secretary/Office Bearers
Staff Associations


Dear Colleagues, 

An online meeting of the DUTA Executive was held on 23.12.2020 on the agenda of (i) Committee on Absorption (ii) 12 DU Colleges 100% funded by Delhi Government (iii) NEP and (iv) Any other matter.

Highlights of the Reporting:

Recent representations to the University including (i) for immediate notification of the Committee on Absorption (ii) on issues related to adhoc teachers in the Departments (iii) recovery issue and (iv) issues related to promotions were reported in the meeting.

In comprehensive letters to the UGC dated 23.8.2020, 24.9.2020 and 7.12.2020, the DUTA has demanded notification of the Anomaly Committee report and that relief given through 4.8.2015 letter to incumbent readers/lecturers (selection grade) to be extended from 30.6.2010 to the date of Gazette Notification of UGC Regulations 2010 i.e. 18.9.2010.

Several physical protests, online protests, Press Conferences and Cluster-wise Strike were held through the pandemic on the issue of the 12 DU colleges that are 100% funded by Delhi Government in consultation with the SAs of the affected colleges. The Delhi Government finally released funds in the month of November owing to several court cases. More recently, the colleges have been sanctioned the IIIrd instalment of grants on 21.12.2020. However, the grants so far can only cover salaries up to October/November.

In a meeting of DUTA Office Bearers with the University Officials on 23.12.2020 the following issues were raised.

(i) Issue of Recovery: A letter on the issue was submitted. The University will follow these cases with the Principals so the College writes for the waiver of the recovery amount to the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance through the UGC.

(ii) Committee on Absorption should be immediately notified and its report be tabled in the EC in a time bound manner.

(iii) Promotions:

a)     The University should issue clarification that under CAS 2018, the B3 table is not applicable for College teachers upto Associate Level.

b)     As per the Regulations 2018, for teachers on Study Leave: “A teacher, who is selected to a higher post during the study leave, shall be placed in that position and shall get the higher scale only after joining the post.” The same be issued as clarification for teachers on various kinds of leaves which the UGC identifies as part of the assessment period.

c)     MPS 1998 promotion cases should be expedited as these are the oldest cases of promotions in colleges.

d)     DUTA also raised the issue of requiring 150 points in the assessment period instead of 45 as stipulated in the UGC Regulations.

e)     Issue of requirement of Expert review of publications under CAS 2010 and plagiarism check was also raised.

The University will issue clarification regarding B3 table and holding of promotion processes while teachers are on sanctioned leave. The Office Bearers were also informed that the Expert given for the Screening Committee for CAS 2018/2010, can be used for the 1st promotion under MPS 1998. This clarity has been given to the Principal. The University Officials promised to expedite MPS 1998 cases.  

(iv) Issue of Instructors DUTA demanded that the data as requested by the UGC should be sent at the earliest. The University Officials ensured that the matter will be expedited.

DUTA Executive decisions on the agenda items

After hours of discussion, the DUTA Executive decided to hold mass action programmes in early January on the issue of 12 DU colleges that are 100% funded by Delhi Government. Even as the IIIrd instalment of grants has been sanctioned on 21.12.2020, the colleges find that the grants are not sufficient and will barely cover salaries upto October/November. The dates of these action programmes including Press Conference, Cluster-wise Strike and physical protests will be announced shortly in consultation with the Staff Associations of the 12 colleges.  

The DUTA will follow up the matter of Committee on Absorption with the DU administration and for a one-time Regulation with the UGC and MoE.

The DUTA Executive also unanimously condemned the DU Notification of 21.12.2020 on "College-University Seats" and demands its immediate withdrawal. 

The AC members on NIC (NEP Implementation Committee) reported the structure of FYUP which is being proposed as a NEP recommendation. An overwhelming majority felt that this restructuring will lead to dilution, increase expenditure towards education, marginalize language departments and will lead to fluctuating workload. The DUTA along with FEDCUTA and AIFUCTO has been opposing NEP. The DUTA, as it has done in past, will study any proposal created by NIC by incorporating feedback of Staff Associations.

Please find enclosed the Resolutions adopted in the DUTA Executive of 23.12.2020.

This has been a very difficult year for many. We hope for a better and brighter year 2021 for all.

warm regards

Rajib Ray
President, DUTA

Rajinder Singh
Secretary, DUTA


Resolutions of the DUTA Executive of 23.12.2020 - LINK


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