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Showing posts from December, 2020

DUTA Reporting and Resolutions adopted in the Executive meeting of 23.12.2020

DUTA Reporting and Resolutions adopted in the Executive meeting of 23.12.2020 To President/Secretary/Office Bearers Staff Associations ______________ ______________ 25.12.2020 Dear Colleagues,  An online meeting of the DUTA Executive was held on 23.12.2020 on the agenda of (i) Committee on Absorption (ii) 12 DU Colleges 100% funded by Delhi Government (iii) NEP and (iv) Any other matter. Highlights of the Reporting: Recent representations to the University including (i) for immediate notification of the Committee on Absorption (ii) on issues related to adhoc teachers in the Departments (iii) recovery issue and (iv) issues related to promotions were reported in the meeting. In comprehensive letters to the UGC dated 23.8.2020, 24.9.2020 and 7.12.2020, the DUTA has demanded notification of the Anomaly Committee report and that relief given through 4.8.2015 letter to incumbent readers/lecturers (selection grade) to be extended from 30.6.2010 to the date of Gazette Notification

They will start selling DU seats: DUTA, profs, students condemn varsity's decision to add five extra seats : The New Indian Express

They will start selling DU seats: DUTA, profs, students condemn varsity's decision to add five extra seats : The New Indian Express Get regular DUTA updates.   

Delhi University to create five seats to be offered through discretion - The Telegraph

Delhi University to create five seats to be offered through discretion - The Telegraph Get regular DUTA updates.   

Resolutions of the DUTA Executive of 23.12.2020

Click here to view in fullscreen , Dan, Principal reg suspension of classes     Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Letter to VC reg. financial recovery: 22.12.2020

DUTA Letter to VC reg. financial recovery: 22.12.2020 Prof. P. C. Joshi Vice Chancellor (Acting) University of Delhi, Delhi - 110007 22.12.2020 Sub: Financial recovery in violation of Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgment made/sought from teachers by DU administration in lieu of alleged excess payment made to them on various counts Dear Prof Joshi, As you would be aware, teachers of various colleges/ Departments of the University of Delhi have received letters from the University regarding review of their pay fixation and recovery of ‘excess’ amount paid on one count or the other. The DUTA has repeatedly pointed out to the University that letters of recovery/review in most of these cases are in violation of the Supreme Court judgement dated 18.12.2014 (Annexure 1) which categorically states that such recoveries are ‘impermissible’ owing to the time lapse of more than five years after the payments allegedly in excess to the teachers or the fact that the teachers are retired or are

DUTA Letter to VC reg. issues related to SOP and MPhil-PhD increments: 16.12.2020

Click here to view in fullscreen , Dan, Principal reg suspension of classes     Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Letter to VC reg. Committee on Absorption: 16.12.2020

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DUTA Letter to Sh. Arvind Kejriwal, Hon'ble Chief Minister reg. the 12 colleges 100% funded by the Delhi Government: 14.12.2020

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DUTA Letter to VC reg. inordinate delay in the payment of arrears to teachers working on ad-hoc basis in Departments

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DUTA Letter to UGC reg. the Anomaly Committee Report and other issues related to Promotions

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DUTA Letter to The Principal reg. renewal of services of ad-hoc teachers: 01.12.2020

Regarding renewal of services of ad-hoc teachers The Principal --------------------------------- College University of Delhi 1.12.2020 Dear Madam/Sir, The DUTA appreciates the institutional help provided by your institution to teachers, especially to ad-hoc teachers. We write to urge you to renew services of ad-hoc teachers in view of the 5Th December Record of Discussion Clause 2: "it is expected that all ad-hoc teachers worked or working in the current academic year shall be continued till recruitment of permanent faculty" . Accordingly, we request that extension letters be issued to all ad-hoc teachers in your college. This will also ensure smooth functioning of the college in terms of teaching-learning processes of the ongoing semester and the forthcoming 4th and 6th semesters, submission of internal assessment, invigilation duties etc. Further, measures taken by the University in response to the pandemic like staggered academic sessions, should not adversel