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DUTA Letter to Staff Associations reg. Forthcoming action programmes on the issue of the 12 DU Colleges

Forthcoming action programmes on the issue of the 12 DU Colleges

President/Secretary/Office Bearers
Staff Association

Dear colleagues,

As you know, employees of the 12 DU Colleges 100% funded by Delhi Government have not received salaries for the last 4 months. The DUTA Office Bearers in their meeting held on 16 Aug decided to hold a series of action programmes to further the movement on the issue.

1) Press conference on Tuesday, 18 Aug 11:30 am. The DUTA Office Bearers held an online Press Conference to share data of the Colleges to give point wise rebuttal to baseless reasons given by the Delhi Government for not releasing the grants. We are glad that it has been widely covered in the print media and by some online news channels. Please find the DUTA Press Statement attached.

2) Human Chain at Mandi House, 2 pm Friday, 21 Aug
We request Staff Associations to mobilise for this physical action programme. As done in the last such action programme on 27.7.2020, we will take necessary precautions of wearing masks and physical distancing.

Please find the posters for the same enclosed. We request SAs to mobilise teachers so that we can create an impact through the physical protest.

We also request SAs to mobilize signatures of all members, non-teaching staff and students on the online petition to the Visitor, which was released a few days back. The DUTA will submit the petition to the Visitor in the coming week.

The link to the online petition to the Visitor is:

Rajib Ray
President, DUTA

Rajinder Singh
Secretary, DUTA


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