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Showing posts from August, 2020

DUTA Secretary’s Report (2019-2020) for Annual General Body: 31 August 2020

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Delhi University Notification: Promotion of teachers under Career Advancement Scheme (CAS-2018)

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DUTA Letter to UGC Regarding Promotion/ Self-appraisal proforma as per CAS 2018 and pending cases of promotion

Regarding Promotion/ Self-appraisal proforma as per CAS 2018 and pending cases of promotion Prof. D. P. Singh Chairman, University Grants Commission Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi 110002 23.8.2020 Sub: Regarding Promotion/ Self-appraisal proforma as per CAS 2018 and pending cases of promotion Dear Prof. Singh, We once again write to draw your attention to the crisis in the University of Delhi on the matter of Promotions. The UGC Regulations 2018 were adopted in DU on 1-2 July 2019. However, the Option form providing for choice to teachers under CAS 2018 was released as late as on 3 February 2020 only after the positive intervention of the MHRD-UGC in response to the December 2019 protests by DUTA. Now, as we write, the University of Delhi is yet to notify the Promotion/ Self-appraisal proforma as per CAS 2018 despite numerous reminders . In our recent letter to the VC (attached), we have declared our intention to bring the Promotion/ Self-appraisal proform

DUTA Letter to UGC: 23.08.2020

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DUTA Letter to MHRD: Request to notify Report of the Anomaly Committee on UGC Regulations 2018

Request to notify Report of the Anomaly Committee on UGC Regulations 2018 Sh. Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’                            Hon’ble Minister, Ministry of Education Shastri Bhavan New Delhi – 110001 23.8.2020 Sub: Request to notify Report of the Anomaly Committee on UGC Regulations 2018. Dear Shri Pokhriyal, Teachers across the country and in DU are awaiting the Report of the Anomaly Committee of the UGC hoping for relief on unresolved issues in every section of the UGC Regulations 2018, namely, for pending cases of promotion, direct recruitment of teachers, Career Advancement Scheme notified in the revised regulations, issues of leave, MPhil/ PhD increments, parity of Librarians and other Academic Staff with teachers, among others. We understand that the Report has been finalized by the UGC and submitted to the Ministry for approval and hence, seek your intervention for the notification of the said Report. Further, we wish to bring

DUTA Press Release, 20 August 2020: Teachers of DU take to FB and Twitter to protest non-payment of salaries

Teachers of DU take to FB and Twitter to protest non-payment of salaries in 12 colleges under Delhi Govt Employees of the 12 DU Colleges 100% funded by Delhi Government find themselves in an unprecedented crisis as they go without salaries for the fourth month.   In a spontaneous online  action programme, hundreds of teachers added frames to their FB profile pictures and tweeted demanding that the Delhi Government should release grants immediately. The DUTA finds it extremely unfortunate that instead of ensuring physical and mental well-being of employees and citizens, the Delhi Government by not responding to repeated requests and protests, is forcing teachers to hold yet another physical protest amidst the ongoing health crisis. Withholding grants citing excuses such as non-formation of Governing Bodies, paucity of funds, enquiries set up in a few colleges and now corruption charges on these colleges is unacceptable. These 12 DU Colleges are among

Evaluation of DU’s online exams a challenge for teachers as time runs out | HT

Evaluation of DU’s online exams a challenge for teachers as time runs out | HT Get regular DUTA updates.   

Students in fix as DU begins online classes | Millennium Post

Students in fix as DU begins online classes | Millennium Post Get regular DUTA updates.   

Vexed with non-payment of salaries to staffers, DUTA to protest on Aug 21 over release of grants for colleges | DNA

Vexed with non-payment of salaries to staffers, DUTA to protest on Aug 21 over release of grants for colleges | DNA Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Human Chain: 2 pm sharp, 21 August 2020 - Mandi House

DUTA Human Chain: 2 pm sharp, 21 August 2020 - Mandi House Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA to hold protest on August 21 over release of grants for colleges | The Indian Express

DUTA to hold protest on August 21 over release of grants for colleges | The Indian Express Get regular DUTA updates.   

Writing on the wall: Delhi University in race against time for September 14 exams | TOI

Writing on the wall: Delhi University in race against time for September 14 exams | TOI Get regular DUTA updates.   

Prof. Krishna Kumar: ‘NEP 2020 offers more of the same remedy’ | Frontline

Prof. Krishna Kumar: ‘NEP 2020 offers more of the same remedy’ | Frontline Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Letter to Staff Associations reg. Forthcoming action programmes on the issue of the 12 DU Colleges

Forthcoming action programmes on the issue of the 12 DU Colleges To President/Secretary/Office Bearers Staff Association ________________ ________________ 19.8.2020 Dear colleagues, As you know, employees of the 12 DU Colleges 100% funded by Delhi Government have not received salaries for the last 4 months. The DUTA Office Bearers in their meeting held on 16 Aug decided to hold a series of action programmes to further the movement on the issue. 1) Press conference on Tuesday, 18 Aug 11:30 am. The DUTA Office Bearers held an online Press Conference to share data of the Colleges to give point wise rebuttal to baseless reasons given by the Delhi Government for not releasing the grants. We are glad that it has been widely covered in the print media and by some online news channels. Please find the DUTA Press Statement attached. 2) Human Chain at Mandi House, 2 pm Friday, 21 Aug We request Staff Associations to mobilise for this physical action programme. As do

DUTA Letter to VC reg. promotion Form and cases: 19.08.2020

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OBE in Kashmir: 4 friends taking exam together, rush to internet cafe | The Indian Express

OBE in Kashmir: 4 friends taking exam together, rush to internet cafe | The Indian Express Get regular DUTA updates.   

Can states cancel exams? SC reserves judgment | TOI

Can states cancel exams? SC reserves judgment | TOI Get regular DUTA updates.   

DU: 4 महीने से कर्मचारियों को नहीं मिला वेतन, अब बिजली कटने की भी आई नौबत - ETV Bharat

DU: 4 महीने से कर्मचारियों को नहीं मिला वेतन, अब बिजली कटने की भी आई नौबत - ETV Bharat Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Protest on Aug 21 Over Release of Grants for Colleges, Salaries Pending Since May | Newsclick

DUTA Protest on Aug 21 Over Release of Grants for Colleges, Salaries Pending Since May | Newsclick Get regular DUTA updates.   

DU OBE: Answer sheets of online open-book exams to be evaluated digitally by subject teachers | HT

DU OBE: Answer sheets of online open-book exams to be evaluated digitally by subject teachers | HT Get regular DUTA updates.   

DU Open Book Exam: Thousands of students did not take online exams in first five days | HT

DU Open Book Exam: Thousands of students did not take online exams in first five days | HT Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA to hold protest on August 21 over release of grants for colleges | HT

DUTA to hold protest on August 21 over release of grants for colleges | HT Get regular DUTA updates.