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Showing posts from February, 2020

DUTA Letter to Staff Associations: 29.02.2020

DUTA Letter to Staff Associations: 29.02.2020 To President/Secretary/Office Bearers Staff Associations ________________ ________________ 29.2.2020 Dear colleagues, Please find enclosed the DUTA GBM Resolution of 26.2.2020 . The following was adopted as the future course of action. In order to mobilise teachers and students for these action programmes, we request Staff Associations to hold meetings and inform DUTA so that teams can attend these meetings. Future Course of Action The general body decided to lift the evaluation boycott. However, the General Body decided to continue the sit-in outside the Vice Chancellor’s Office to press for our unresolved demands. Further, it decided that if the screening of application forms is not as per the 5 Dec Record of Discussion, teachers will refuse to participate in the screening process. *Mass action programmes to be held over next few weeks* 5 March 2020 : The DUTA will organize March to Parliament on 5 March 2

Resolution of the DUTA General Body, 26 February 2020

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FEDCUTA statement on the violence in Delhi: 26 February 2020

Rebuff the assault on democracy and secularism; Promote peace and harmony     The Federation of Central Universities Teachers' Associations (FEDCUTA) is deeply disturbed by the violence that parts of Delhi have seen since the beginning of this week, a outcome of the concerted attempts to create a communal polarization around the CAA and to deflect the widespread protests against the legislation on constitutional and democratic principles. What is extremely shocking is the utter failure on the part of the Delhi Police to first prevent this organized violence - which has targeted people, their houses and property, shops and establishments and places of religious worship - from being unleashed and then to put an end to it. That the situation is still not under control and the death toll is mounting is a matter of grave concern. Even a policeman has lost his life. The FEDCUTA expresses its condolences at all the deaths that have occurred.     The FEDCUTA also observes th

DUTA PRESS RELEASE: February 25, 2020

DUTA Categorically Opposes VC's Authoritarian Move to Mortgage University's Future through Proposal for IoE Status The DUTA stands categorically opposed to the DU VC's hasty and authoritarian move to pawn away the University's future by submitting a proposal for the Institution of Eminence (IoE) status without seeking discussion or prior statutory approval in the Academic Council and Executive Council. Though the VC has called an emergency meeting of the Executive Council to extract formal approval for the IoE proposal, he has not allowed the statutory authorities any reasonable time to apply their minds and debate the implications of the problematic proposal. Prima Facie, the proposal is a blueprint  for steady commercialisation of the University through an undertaking to start self-financing courses and online degree programmes at a massive scale in 9 new thrust areas. The proposal also undertakes to hike student fees and employ up to 20% Foreign Fac

DUTA GBM, 26 february 2020 - 12:30 pm : Auditorium, Hansraj College

DUTA GBM, 26 february 2020 - 12:30 pm : Auditorium, Hansraj College Get regular DUTA updates.   

Joint Forum for Movement on Education: 25 February 2020; 10:30 am to 4:00 pm

Attend the Convention, participate in a pan-India movement to Save Education Get regular DUTA updates.   


 JOINT FORUM FOR MOVEMENT ON EDUCATION: 21.2.2020                                 Dear  Friends, As you are aware, the Joint Forum for Movement on Education, is an umbrella organisation representing Associations of University and College Teachers, School Teachers, Non-Teaching University Employees, Students, Parents and other organisations working for scientific and democratic education. For the last several years, the various constituents of JFME have been struggling against a slew of policy attacks by the Central Government on public-funded education in terms of withdrawal of funding, hollowing out of academic and scientific content and subversion of its democratic and inclusive character. The JFME has attempted to bring these struggles together on one platform. In October 2018, JFME held a National Convention that adopted a resolution and a Charter of Demands. This was followed by a massive People's March on 19th February 2019, and a joint memorandum to the Pri


Condemning Mass Sexual Assault and Abuse of Women Students in Gargi College The DUTA condemns the perpetrators of mass sexual assault and abuse of women in Gargi College, as has been reported to have taken place through the afternoon and evening of February 6, 2020. The DUTA is shocked that the breaches of peace, violation of law and order and abuse of female students in their own campus has been acknowledged so late, after over three days of its having taken place. Criminal unwillingness on the part of the officiating college principal to accept security lapses and act swiftly against the riotous men who forced entry into the college campus,  molested and abused women students in the presence of the Delhi Police, is to blame for this unacceptable delay. However, the deterioration of safety norms and protocols and the Delhi University's tacit refusal to act against politically backed assailants and intruders has also encouraged people to attack students with impu

DUTA Press Release: 10 February 2020

Long March to Parliament on Teachers' Demands Teachers of Delhi University marched to Parliament Street today to draw attention to their demands related to their service conditions, including pensions, promotions, permanency in jobs and unwarranted recoveries from salaries. Dr. Udit Raj (Congress) joined the teachers to express solidarity with the demands raised. A key demand of the over 2 month long DUTA agitation is the one-time Regulation for Absorption of ad-hoc and temporary teachers which will allow the regularization of the services of the thousands of temporary/ad-hoc teachers. Teachers have also been demanding the removal of the VC for the complete collapse of routine and administrative functioning in the University resulting in inordinate delays in permanent appointments and promotions. Teachers in Delhi University have been denied promotion for many years, partly due to the frequent and ill-conceived changes in the Career Advancement Schemes and partly

DUTA Survey: One-time Regulation for Absorption as per DoPT Roster

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DUTA Press Statement; 5 February 2020

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DUTA Letter to Staff Associations: 05.02.2020

DUTA Letter to Staff Associations: 05.02.2020 To President/Secretary/Office Bearers Staff Associations ________________ ________________ 5.2.2020 Dear colleagues, As decided in the GBM held on 16.1.2020, the DUTA held a Press Conference today, 5 February at IWPC  to further the demand for one-time Regulation for Absorption of adhoc/temporary teachers as per DoPT Roster. To draw attention to the plight of over 4500 teachers who have been denied permanent jobs and are working on extremely exploitative conditions, the DUTA also shared with the media a study of the survey amongst this section of teachers. Please find enclosed the Press Statement and the findings of the survey. As you may know the Budget Session will be held in two phases. The first phase will end on 11 February. In order to draw attention of the Parliament to our pending issues of Absorption, Promotion, illegal recovery, attack on service condition of Physical Education Teachers and pension, rem


Budgetary Allocations Fail to Address Crisis in Public-funded Higher Education The DUTA is disappointed by the Union Government's  refusal to heed the deepening crisis in Public-funded Higher Education. It unwisely continues on the beaten path of Privatisation by reducing grants, promoting more loan funding through greater allocations to HEFA, inviting FDI and encouraging more  commercialisation through the provision of full online degree programmes in universities. The highlights of the Expenditure Budget 2020 reveal a telling lack of introspection on the part of the Government, and its failure to engage with the growing unrest among students, teachers and karamcharis across the nation's campuses. The aggregate increase in budgetary allocation for higher education from 38317 crores to 39466 crores presents a marginal increase of 2.79%. Even this figure is misleading as a large part of the money is earmarked for expenditure that does not benefit students and

Budgetary Allocations Fail To Address Crisis In Public-Funded Higher Education: DUTA | NDTV

Budgetary Allocations Fail To Address Crisis In Public-Funded Higher Education: DUTA | NDTV Get regular DUTA updates.   

Budget Analysis: Education outlay up 4.69%, smallest hike in 5 years | Careers 360

Budget Analysis: Education outlay up 4.69%, smallest hike in 5 years | Careers 360 Get regular DUTA updates.