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Showing posts from October, 2019

DUTA Press Release: 25 October 2019

DUTA call for Total Shutdown gets wholehearted support fromteachers of Delhi University Teachers of Delhi University responded wholeheartedly to the call for a total university shutdown today. Various students' organizations including AISA, CYSS, KYS and SFI supported the DUTA's call. The DUTA also held a dharna outside the Executive Council meeting which had been convened to discuss, among other matters, taking steps to implement the dubious scheme of Institutions of Eminence. The DUTA was constrained to resort to agitation by the fact that the university administration had initiated moves for getting Delhi University declared officially as an Institution of Eminence without consultation with teachers and without the prior approval of the Authorities of the University. Of the various demands of the DUTA, two were under focus of today’s agitation: (1) a halt to any further steps required to become an Institution of Eminence under the UGC scheme that bin

DUTA Letter to Staff Association: 23.10.2019

DUTA Letter to Staff Association: 23.10.2019 To President/Secretary/Office Bearers Staff Associations _____________________ _____________________ 23.10.2019 Dear Colleagues, As you know, a meeting of the Executive Council is scheduled for Friday, 25 October. Amongst other things, the EC will consider the MoU under the proposal of DU to become an Institute of Eminence. After a detailed discussion on the MoU, the DUTA Executive  took a decision to call for a Total Shutdown of the University on Friday, 25 October 2019 and a Dharna from 1pm to 3 pm outside the Executive Council meeting to protest against this move and also to demand the withdrawal of the 28th August 2019 letter asking for guest appointments to be made against all new vacancies . The DUTA will also write to the Vice-Chancellor and other members of the Executive Council against signing of this MoU. Please read the DUTA Press Release (dated 22.10.2019) for a comprehensive critique of the proposa

DUTA Press Release: 22 October 2019

DUTA rejects proposal of DU to become an Institution of Eminence (IoE) The DUTA Executive met today to discuss Delhi University’s proposal to accept the status of an Institution of Eminence (IoE) and unanimously rejected it on the ground that it involves a push towards privatisation of education as confessed by Prakash Javadekar while announcing for the first time Graded Autonomy for Universities and grant of IoE status. He had confessed that these steps constitute initiation of liberalisation in the education sector. A reading of the documents concerning IoE substantiates that deregulation of these institutions is accompanied by provisions which make them dependent on the market to finance the activities they are tasked with. The DUTA takes strong exception to the University administration’s attempts to try and somewhat obscure parts of the bitter pill by placing only one document on the agenda of the Executive Council meeting as ­_Annexue-5.0.3: Steps taken to impl

DUTA Letter to VC reg. Gross Injustice meted out to the Physical Education Teachers of theUniversity of Delhi in matters of Recruitment

Click here to view in fullscreen , Dan, Principal reg suspension of classes     Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Leaflet on NEP

Click here to view in fullscreen , Dan, Principal reg suspension of classes     Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Letter to Staff Association: 17.10.2019

DUTA Letter to Staff Association: 17.10.2019 To President/Secretary/Office Bearers Staff Associations _______ _______ 17.10.2019 Dear Colleagues, We salute teachers for making the ongoing movement successful by participating in protest programmes in large numbers. The Shiksha-Shikshak Bachao Rally of 16 October saw participation of over 1000 teachers and students. We appeal to Staff Associations to organise  College Protest Programmes on 22-23-24 October . The three-day programme aims at mobilising students and teachers  on issues concerning us today. As the Government decides to table NEP 2019 in the Winter Session of Parliament, it is important that we build a strong democratic joint movement against its negative recommendations quickly. Also, teachers have been denied appointments, promotions and pension. It is important to make students aware of the issues which teachers are facing as our working conditions impact the quality of education as well as the

DUTA Press Release, 16 October 2019

Teachers Strike work; Teachers-students march against National Education Policy 2019 and for one-time Regulation for Absorption Teachers of Delhi University joined the Strike call given by DUTA and participated in large numbers along with students in the Shiksha-Shikshak Bachao Rally from Mandi House to Parliament Street against National Education Policy (NEP) 2019 as the Government prepares to table it in the Winter Session of the Parliament. The DUTA Rally was addressed by Kavita Krishnan, Member, Polit Bureau, CPI(ML), Mahabal Mishra, former MP, Lok Sabha and MLA (Congress) and Nilotpal Basu, former MP, Rajya Sabha (CPI (M)) who expressed solidarity with the teachers and students and warned the Government against attack on public funded higher education. Students’ organizations such as AISA. CYSS, KYS, SFI and Youth for Social Justice also participated in the Rally. Teachers across the country have been vehemently protesting against the pernicious provisio

डीयू में पढ़ा रहे एडहँक और अस्थाई शिक्षकों का समायोजन हो: डूटा

डीयू में पढ़ा रहे एडहँक और अस्थाई शिक्षकों का समायोजन हो: डूटा | Navodaya Times Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA demands regularisation of temporary DU teachers | The Statesm

DUTA demands regularisation of temporary DU teachers | The Statesman Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Press Conference - Press Statement; 11 October 2019

One-time Regulation to Regularize the Services of Temporary/Ad-hoc teachers working in the University of Delhi Over 4500 teachers have been working on adhoc/temporary basis in DU colleges for over a decade as permanent appointments have largely not taken place. Recruitment was done sporadically in two brief periods, first in 2014-15 and then in 2017, in select few colleges/departments. The recruitment process, which started because of a High Court Judgement of December 2016, was brought to a complete halt because of the 5 March 2018 UGC Notification for the implementation of Department/Subject-wise roster. It took over a year for the issue to get resolved. However, meanwhile all advertisements for permanent appointments over 2700 posts lapsed. Subsequently, after the notification of the UGC Regulations 2018, changes in the screening criteria and recruitment process have left many teachers dismayed. These teachers perform the same duties as their permanent colleagues

DUTA Letter to Staff Associations: 11.10.2019

Take the movement forward; mobilise and participate in full strength To                  Office Bearers Staff Association                                                                _________________ _________________ 11 October 2019 Dear colleagues, We thank Staff Associations for making Candle Light Vigil at Mandi House of 1 October and Halla Bol Rally in DU a success. Even though the Draft NEP 2019 has not been tabled in Parliament, recent news that institutions such as the IITs have already passed certain retrograde provisions including a steep increase in fees, tenure track for teachers and longer probation periods show that the Government is hell-bent on pushing through its pernicious recommendations. Instead of strengthening existing public funded state and central universities through recruitment of teachers and creation of infrastructure, public-funding itself stands dismantled through the Draft NEP. For universities with a federal structure l

DUTA Press Release : 10.10.2019

By signing the Tripartite MoU the DU VC succumbs meekly to the arm-twisting by the Government The signing of the Tripartite MoU, the DU VC, meekly and without any expression of public concern, has demonstrated that concern for the university is right at the bottom of his priorities, if not his complete lack of concern. The Delhi University probably is the last of the Central Universities to have done so, all others having already either caved in or enthusiastically signed to please the Government. Delhi University held out for so long due to teachers' reasoned critique of and opposition to the said MoU as a tool to push universities towards and commercialisation and privatisation of its activities, which are going to adversely affect the character and content of education and research. The VC had options such as involving the Faculties, Departments and Colleges in a debate over the MoU and representing their considered views on the implications of the MoU to the G

DUTA PRESS RELEASE: October 3, 2019

DUTA PRESS RELEASE: October 3, 2019 Teachers Strike work, participate in Halla Bol rally on DU Campus to draw attention to continuous attack on service conditions of DU teachers Teachers of Delhi University observed a one-day Strike against the DU VC's sinister design to convert Adhoc appointments to Guest and Contractual faculty, as well as his continuing indifference towards teachers waiting for their promotions, pensions and 7th Pay dues.  Students also joined their teachers across colleges and departments in a Protest March taken through the main university campus, demanding immediate withdrawal of the 28 Aug letter that only allows Guest appointments against fresh full-time regular vacancies. Replacement of full-time teachers by guest faculty who are paid on per lecture basis,  will have major implications for the quality of teaching in DU and its colleges as full-time teachers are engaged in administrative, research, extracurricular activities and mentori

DUTA Letter to VC reg. Demand for Urgent Resolution of Issues of teachers: 03.10.2019

Demand for Urgent Resolution of Issues of teachers Prof. YogeshTyagi Vice-Chancellor University of Delhi Delhi – 110007 3 October 2019 Sub: Demand for Urgent Resolution of Issues of teachers Dear Prof. Tyagi, Teachers of Delhi University are on strike to protest your complete apathy towards the breakdown of academic and administrative functioning in the university and its colleges, and your total inaction on the issues relating to the service conditions of teachers. You have failed to discharge your duties as the academic head of the institution which is resulting in accumulation of unresolved issues. We have been repeatedly writing to you to draw your attention towards urgent issues but unfortunately there has been no response from you to any of our communications. We once again list below the issues that need your immediate attention: 1. In our letter dated 23.9.2019 (copy enclosed) we have drawn your attention to the ill-consequences of the letter i


TEACHERS ON STRIKE: 03.10.2019 Rajib Ray President, DUTA Rajinder Singh Secretary, DUTA Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Candle Light Vigil: 01.10.2019, 4:40 pm, Mandi House

SAY No to NEP 2019! Rajib Ray President, DUTA Rajinder Singh Secretary, DUTA Get regular DUTA updates.