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DUTA Letter to the VC regarding the agenda of the forthcoming meeting of the Executive Council scheduled for 1 July 2019

DUTA Letter to the VC regarding the agenda of the forthcoming meeting of the Executive Council scheduled for 1 July 2019

Professor Yogesh Tyagi
Vice Chancellor
University of Delhi
Delhi 110007

Sub: Regarding the agenda of the forthcoming meeting of the Executive Council scheduled for 1 July 2019

Dear Professor Tyagi,

The governance of Delhi University today stands compromised by delays in decision making as meetings of statutory bodies are either not held or they remain inconclusive. The manner in which the Academic Council meeting of 22 June 2019 was abruptly brought to an end and agenda was deemed passed by voice-vote without appropriate item-wise discussion is extremely unfortunate and unacceptable. Important issues raised by elected members during the zero hour were conveniently deflected by you. The reported manhandling of many elected teacher representatives is also condemnable. The DUTA expresses its dismay and anguish at the manner in which meetings are being conducted that subvert the role of these bodies in deliberating upon and taking important decisions. Given the size and complex nature of the university, any decision taken without application of mind is bound to jeopardise career of thousands of students and teachers.

As you know, the agenda for the forthcoming Executive Council meeting scheduled for 1 July 2019 includes adoption of the  UGC Regulations 2018 (agenda item 5-8) along with the consequential amendments in the Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations (Annexure 5.08.02). The University has failed to meet the deadline set by the UGC Regulations 2018 for its adoption. We have been repeatedly reminding you of the consequences of this delay for the career progression of teachers. While it is crucial that the UGC Regulations 2018 and consequential amendments be adopted and notified without further delay, it is equally important that the Executive Council takes appropriate steps to resolve the following issues regarding the proposed amendments:

1.      Clause I, page 32: The proposed amendment, which lists qualifications for teachers for recruitment in various disciplines, does not include Physical Education as one of the disciplines.

Further, the Explanatory Note 1 (page 36) to Clause I states as follows:

In pursuance of the clause 1.1.(i) of the UGC Regulations 2018, existing qualifications for Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor and Principal have been retained for the disciplines of Education and Physical Education as they are regulated by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) Since NCTE has not prescribed the qualifications for Senior Professor in these disciplines, the clauses mentioned above shall apply until NCTE prescribes such qualifications.

We wish to point out that the cited clause of the UGC Regulations 2018 does not make any reference to Physical Education, rather includes Physical Education at par with Arts, Commerce, Humanities, Education, Law, Social Sciences, Sciences, Languages, Library Science and Journalism & Mass Communication, in no ambiguous terms (see Clause 4.1, UGC Regulations 2018, page 61).  Bringing the discipline of Physical Education through an Explanatory Note is nothing short of yet another mischievous attempt to create confusion about the status of Physical Education teachers in Delhi University.

2.      Further, we reiterate our demand that the clause on Appointments on Contract Basis (Ordinance XII-E, page 17) be deleted. As has been pointed out repeatedly, this clause was a part of even the UGC Regulations 2010, but Delhi University did not adopt it as it was not relevant for its case. The UGC Regulations 2018, in Clause 10. (f), recognises the nature of ad-hoc service as quoted below:

10. (f) The previous Ad-hoc or temporary or contractual services (by whatever nomenclature it may be called) shall be counted for direct recruitment and promotions...

Hence, there is no need for Delhi University to adopt this clause. Any appointment of teachers on contract basis will only deepen the crisis which already Delhi University is facing as appointments have not taken place for most departments and colleges for nearly a decade.

The DUTA also wishes to reiterate its opposition to the Tripartite MoU that the Government is pushing Universities to sign with a commitment towards raising of fees and self-financing courses. This would have serious consequences for a university like ours and hence, we urge you to forward the concerns of the Executive Council to the MHRD.

We hope that the issues raised by us would be noted and resolved in the forthcoming Executive Council meeting.

Thanking you,


Rajib Ray
President, DUTA

Vivek Chaudhary
Secretary, DUTA


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