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FEDCUTA Press Release, 5.9.2017

Thousands of teachers Court Arrest on Teachers' Day to mark protest against anti-student and anti-teacher Government policies

More than five thousand teachers from Central and State Universities and Colleges across the country converged in Delhi on 5th September to celebrate Teachers' Day in a unique way -  by courting Arrest under the banner of AIFUCTO and FEDCUTA. They were protesting against the non- declaration of the Chauhan Pay Review Committee Report that was submitted to MHRD more than six months ago. The PRC,  that deals not only with pay revision,  but with all aspects of teachers' service conditions,  including permanent recruitment,  promotions and pension,  is expected to have made positive recommendations to address the grievances of teachers regarding contractualisation  and adhocism of services,  denial of promotions and pension.  However,  in an unprecedented move,  the Govt has refused to make the report public. 

Apart from reiterating long standing demands including 100% funding of Central and State Universities, teachers expressed their strong opposition to the attempts by the Govt to impose a blueprint of privatisation and commercialisation through the scheme of so called "autonomous colleges" and "Graded Autonomy of Universities." This would lead to a steep hike in fees and deprive most students from access to affordable,  quality education. 

The gathering was addressed by Rajya Sabha MP,  D. Raja(CPI), who led a delegation of AIFUCTO and FEDCUTA Office Bearers to meet the MHRD Minister, Shri Prakash  Javadekar. The delegation(including the General Secretary of AIFUCTO,  Prof Arun Kumar,  and the newly elected President of DUTA and FEDCUTA,  Dr.  Rajib Ray) reported that the Minister assured them that the Pay Revision would be announced "very soon", but had no answers for the unprecedented secrecy about the report of the PRC,  or any assurance about our demand for 100% funding. 

The AIFUCTO and FEDCUTA expressed their resolve to intensify the agitation, and include students,  parents and other citizens who had the largest stake in a strong public funded education system.  

Click here for the Memorandum submitted to the Minister by the FEDCUTA 

          Rajib Ray                                                                                                         Ayesha Kidwai
(President FEDCUTA)                                                                                         (Secretary FEDCUTA)


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