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DUTA Letter to the VC regarding Urgent Amendment Sought in Advertisements, 27.05.2017

DUTA Letter to the VC regarding Urgent Amendment Sought in Advertisements, 27.05.2017 

Prof. Yogesh Tyagi
Vice Chancellor
University of Delhi
Delhi - 110007

May 27, 2017

Sub: Urgent Amendments Sought in Advertisements and Annexure Guidelines for Permanent Teachers Vacancies issued by DU Colleges and Departments

Dear Prof. Tyagi,

       The Advertisements and Annexure Guidelines for Permanent Vacancies issued by Colleges and Departments of DU indicate some serious lapses that need to be rectified in the interests of fairness towards aspirants.

Firstly, the Advertisements need to mention, at the outset, that applications are being invited for the post of Assistant Professor "on permanent basis". Advertisements have, so far, left out mentioning the nature of vacancy, i.e. "Permanent" without which, the aspirants are confused. As per past practice, the words "and due allowances" also need to be mentioned alongside the Pay Band.

Secondly, Clause 16 of Annexure 3 (General Instructions to Applicants) needs to be removed in entirety as it misrepresents the objective of appointments. The Clause reads thus: "The College reserves the right to offer the post at a level lower than that advertised/applied, or on contract basis, depending upon the qualifications, experience and performance of the candidate, wherever applicable." DU has never appointed faculty on Contract Basis through selection committee. There is no statutory decision allowing the administration to exercise any discretion in favour of such an arrangement. Nor is there any basis to suggest that appointments may be made at a level lower than that of the Asst. Professor. There is no lower level, as per UGC Regulations. Hence, the entire Clause is illegal and, if retained, will surely result in several misgivings. We urge you to expunge it.

Lastly, DU's colleges and departments had never charged Application Fee prior to the tenure of the previous Administration. Between 2012 and now, advertisements for permanent vacancies across DU's colleges and departments have been repeatedly allowed to lapse. However, each time the colleges and departments have invited applications, aspirants have had to pay the substantial application fee that has not been refunded to them even as interviews have not been held. The application fee is wholly unaccounted for. For no fault of their own, aspirants are being asked to pay fees that create an unfair constraint for them while applying to many colleges that are advertising their vacancies simultaneously. The repeated requirement of payments becomes an extortionate exercise not befitting a humane and sensitive administration. The DUTA demands that application fee is waived off in toto.

Kindly treat the concerns mentioned above as urgent and personally intervene to ensure that rectifications are done at the earliest to ensure that this important process continues in a legally-tenable and satisfactory manner.


President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA


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