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DUTA Letter to VC, 27.03.2017

DUTA Letter to VC, 27.03.2017

The Vice-Chancellor,                                                                                                    27th March, 2017

University of Delhi,


Request to Call Emergent Meeting of EC/AC to formulate one time EC resolution for Absorption of Ad-hoc / TemporaryTeachers on Permanent Basis In Delhi University and Its Affiliated/Constituent Colleges

Dear Prof Tyagi,

1. This is to bring to your notice, the plight of thousands of ad-hoc and temporary Assistant Professors of the University of Delhi who have been languishing for a long time in various colleges/departments of the university in midst of job and social insecurity. Despite  being experienced, academically sound and possessing the required qualifications of an Assistant Professor, these teachers have been left to work on ad-hoc/temporary basis for several years, simply because Delhi University arbitrarily stopped holding interviews for regular appointments. While temporary teachers have been appointed after all-India advertisement through the same selection committee as permanent teachers, ad- hoc teachers have been appointed through an open appointment process following Delhi University's Executive Council's guidelines (EC Resolution, 120(8), dated 27.12.2007). Currently, almost 50 percent of Delhi University faculty is employed on ad-hoc/temporary basis on substantive/sanctioned posts, which is in violation of DU's own Ordinances, EC Resolutions as well as UGC Regulations for the number and circumstances under which such appointments can be made. As per the EC Resolution, ad-hoc appointments should be made on short vacancies arising out of certain circumstances for not more than four months and as per UGC Regulations, the proportion of such teachers should not be more than 10 percent of total faculty. In a double bench judgment Delhi High Court and Honorable Supreme Court have termed it as a fraud on the statutes to resort to short term tenure appointments and that too endlessly on substantive posts.  Being kept ad-hoc for several years, such teachers face continuous uncertainty and are deprived of benefits such as increments, leave, career enhancement, medical reimbursement and, above all, a life of dignity. In addition, absence of Maternity and Child Care Leave for women teachers forces them to either return to duty within days of delivery or to lose their jobs. This situation is so critical that it is not only affecting ad-hoc/temporary teachers but is also counterproductive for a healthy teaching-learning environment in Delhi University, one of the premier institutions of higher education in the country.

2. Delhi University has failed to make permanent appointments of Assistant Professors in its departments and affiliated colleges at regular intervals and has resorted to a disproportionately large number of ad-hoc appointments on substantive posts for several years, thus continuously violating DU Act,1922, statutes and own EC guidelines. Under these circumstances, we urge you to convene an emergent meeting of EC/AC to formulate a one-time ordinance for absorption of thousands of temporary and long-serving ad-hoc Assistant Professors on permanent basis. These teachers have given the prime of their youth to serve the University with dedication, and have got very little in return. They have gone beyond the call of duty and been the backbone of all aspects of University academic life, teaching, research and evaluation, as well as extra-curricular activities, at a time of great uncertainty and upheaval with continuous academic restructuring. There should be no further delay in compensation and justice for them.

3. The Resolutions passed by the DUTA Executive on 23.2.2017 on the issue of permanent appointments and regularisation/absorption are copied below.

Thanking you,
With regards,

 Nandita Narain                                               Sandeep

(DUTA President)                                      (DUTA Secretary)

DUTA Executive Resolution on the issue of Permanent Appointments, 23 February 2017

DUTA Executive Resolution on the issue Regularisation/absorption, 23 February 2017


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