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The President/Secretary,
Staff Association,


Dear Colleagues,

The Office Bearers of the DUTA have decided to issue an appeal to all Staff Associations and department Councils of Delhi University to come forward in this hour of grave crisis that has struck our neighbouring country Nepal in the wake of the devastating earthquake.

This is the time to rally as one and strengthen the hands of the Indian Govt in its effort to rush rescue and relief missions to Nepal, and for urgent measures provide shelter, medicines and medical personnel, food and other essential life saving supplies. 

We appeal to all Staff Associations to have emergent meetings and decide to donate one days' salary to the Prime Minister's Relief Fund.Given the scale of the devastation, this will be only a drop in the ocean, but every little bit counts.

Given below is the statement issued by CCTAD.


Nandita Narain                                          Harish Khanna
(DUTA, Pres)                                            (DUTA, Secy)

CCTAD Press Note on Disastrous Earthquake in Nepal and neighbouring areas of India

Coordination Committee of Teachers' Associations of Delhi (CCTAD) representing the academic community in Delhi expresses its grief and shock at the tragedy unfolding since yesterday morning. The scale of the tragedy in Nepal is immense. Even though the reports suggest that 2,000 people have died and a few thousand are injured but we know from past experience that the toll is likely to be much larger as reports from interior areas have not yet come in and many trapped under the buildings and landslides and avalanches remain to be identified. The loss of life and property is immense and we as the most immediate neighbours need to stand with the Nepalese people in their time of adversity.

We appeal to all Indians and especially to the academic community in India to help in whatever way we can. While the government of India has immediately reacted and started relief operations we need to supplement it through contributions in cash and kind. Those of our colleagues who are medical and engineering professionals can help immediately with their expertise by volunteering to join the effort.

We need to reach out to educational institutions in Nepal and help them in a variety of ways. We appeal to the authorities of institutions of higher education and teachers associations to immediately start collection drives and establish contact with educational institutions and NGOs in Nepal so that relief can be directly sent to them for decentralized functioning.

We appeal to the Indian authorities to treat this tragedy as a wake up call and prepare for major disasters in the future. The lessons of the recent big earthquakes in Bhuj and Kashmere seem to have been forgotten and action has not been forthcoming at a scale that is necessary. It is necessary to ensure that buildings are earthquake resistant and follow the necessary standards. This requires that housing be recognized as a human right so that all people have proper housing and do not have to live in unsafe temporary structures. All public buildings like, hospitals, schools, colleges, utilities and so on need to be able to resist the strongest of earthquakes. Disaster management drills need to be held regularly, the public should have training in basic first aid and they should know what they have to do if such a calamity takes place so that panic is avoided which causes needless additional casualties.

We appeal to all for immediate action.

President, CCTAD


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