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Joint Press Release 30.10.2014


Misgovernance by the DU administration, continuous assault on democratic spaces and processes, and forced implementation of ill-devised academic restructuring has adversely affected lives of teachers, students and karamcharis alike. The joint forum of DUTA and students' organizations resolves to fight for restoration of democratic spaces and democratic decision making processes based on a culture of debate and discussion, which is necessary for academic excellence.
The forum resolves to intensify its struggle on the following issues in order to bring back the University to a state of normalcy so that a meaningful environment of teaching-learning may be established.

Removal of Prof Dinesh Singh from the post of the Vice Chancellor

A deep sense of alienation pervades all sections of students and teachers because of the single-minded agenda of the current DU administration to vindictively target and harm the interests of every section. While insecurity in jobs, delay and uncertainty about permanent appointments, denial of promotional avenues and denial of pensionary benefits have demoralized the teaching community and karamcharis, students have been worst victims of ill-devised mindless "reforms", be it the semester system or the FYUP. Despite the intervention by the MHRD, the DU VC has made it clear that he is not willing to resolve issues through dialogue. The refusal of the administration to address the urgent needs and demands of students is jeopardizing careers of thousands of students.

The DUTA has submitted a white paper on the Vice-Chancellor with documents that demonstrate rampant violations of statutory provisions including provisions of the Delhi University Act, 1922, violation of the Reservation policy in teaching posts, gross financial irregularities, misuse of Emergency Powers, and misleading the Parliament, the Court and the NAAC. The UGC appointed Satyam Committee has reportedly found that over Rs. 100 crores were diverted from OBC fund to buy laptops for FYUP students. We demand that the report be made public and appropriate action be initiated. We jointly demand Visitorial Enquiry into the gross abuse of power by Prof. Dinesh Singh during his tenure as Vice-Chancellor.

Roll Back of Semester System

Semesterization was hurriedly implemented both at the PG and UG level and was done to prepare a base for FYUP. These academic restructuring were in tandem with the "reforms" envisaged by UPA- II Government.

The experience of semesterized courses in the last four years or more has confirmed our worst fears about severe academic dilution and the adverse effect on teaching-processes and co-curricular activities. It has turned teaching-learning into an indifferent and hurried pretence at education while undermining its core values. Continuous evaluation of students has also turned into a farce due to paucity of time and a skewed teacher-student ratio. It has crippled the intellectual, cultural-emotional and holistic growth of students. The worst affected are students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Semesterization created disparity between regular courses and courses offered by the SOL and thus threw out lakhs of students from the ambient of mainstream. The overburdening of exam branch has resulted in perpetual delay in the declaration of results, especially for SOL students.

To remove the disparity between regular and SOL courses it is imperative to bring back the Annual system. Semesterization also led to blatantly anti-student examination "reforms" like withdrawal of Special Chance and supplementary examination. The administration has also time and again attempted withdrawal of revaluation scheme. The administration refuses to review the mindless anti-student Pass Criteria which were laid down as part of the semesterization.  To cloak the disastrous impact of semesterization on the performance of students, the DU administration started an unethical and anti-academic practice of irrational inflation of marks and, thereby, undermined the credibility of our evaluation process. The new moderation formula has worked against all students since the degrees awarded by DU may eventually will be devalued.

The semester system has also led to lop-sided workload, short term vacancies and contractualisation of teaching posts. The semester system has made it impossible for teachers to pursue any academic activity beyond teaching and evaluation. This will adversely affect the collective intellectual, cultural-emotional and academic growth of the Institution.

In the light of our recent experiences, the teachers and students of the University once again, categorically and unequivocally express their opposition to the semester system. The Joint forum will build a systematic struggle to demand Roll Back of Semester System.

Immediate Relief to Affected students:

To give immediate relief to students who have been victims of the mindless "reforms", we demand that:

  1. Revaluation provision be offered to the batch that has appeared for the final exams in 2014
  2. The pass criteria should be restored to passing in the aggregate of all papers rather than in each paper separately.
  3. Special chance for students who have crossed their span period to appear in the November exams and in subsequent exams through the process adopted by the Academic Council in the past.
  4. Supplementary examinations in November as well as May.

Delhi University Teachers' Association (DUTA)
All India Democratic Students' Organization (AIDSO)
All India Students' Association (AISA)
Chhatra Yuva Sangharsh Samiti (CYSS)
Indian National Students' Organization (INSO)
Indian National Students' Organization (INSO)
Krantikari Yuva Sangathan (KYS)
Open Students Organization (OSO)
Parivartankami Chhatra Sangathan (PACHHAS)
School of Open Learning (SOL)
Students Federation of India (SFI)    

President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA


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