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DUTA Press Release on Helpline

Press Release, 24 February 2014

Helpline not for helping academic functioning: Instrument to favour and punish

The DUTA strongly condemns the attempt by the Vice-Chancellor yet again to humiliate the teachers of the university by way of slanderous accusations of absenteeism and threats of setting up a helpline to catch “truant” teachers. This is nothing but a publicity stunt like his earlier raids conducted in colleges to shift the blame for the failure of the FYUP onto teachers and to malign them. This can be seen as a reaction to the growing solidarity between students and teachers in the fight against the FYUP, as was evident in the huge turnout in the March to Parliament on 18th February 2014. As in the past, the administration has retaliated instead of addressing the resentment and anger of students and teachers against the ill-conceived FYUP. Repeated attempts at defaming teachers have not been based on facts and have been countered by teachers. If the VC were to have any real concern for academic standards, he would care to put democratic mechanisms in place like the participative Student Faculty Committees (the decision to this effect was taken way back in 2003 by the Academic Council) to ensure smooth functioning of the academic institution.

Instead of relying on and strengthening existing mechanisms to ensure the smooth and regular functioning of classes, the VC has decided on his own without even deeming it fit to consult the Executive Council to introduce a system that has no transparency. The DUTA questions the legitimacy of a “Helpline” mode of registering complaints as there is no way to either establish the veracity of these complaints or judge whether all the complaints will be impartially taken up with the same eagerness and process. In the current situation, the VC has consistently displayed an eagerness to shield his allies while attacking or punishing detractors and dissidents.

The complete lack of accountability of the VC is more than evident in his total disregard of the decline in academic standards of teaching which has been revealed in the feedback obtained from students. Students have overwhelming indicted the purposelessness of the extra year taken up largely to accommodate the ridiculously sub-standard Foundation Courses as well as the lack of infrastructure even in the best colleges necessary for any meaningful “reforms”.

Attempts by the Vice-Chancellor to showcase the Foundation Courses during the Antardvani have also fallen flat as attendance to the propagandistic jamboree was made compulsory and students have realized the true intent of the administration. The number of teaching days and classes lost due to the official meetings for FYUP propaganda and Antardhwani is of no concern. Teachers who tried to take classes were prevented by unprecedented locking of classrooms by the VC’s loyal Principals.

The fact that thousands of teachers face an uncertain future is of no concern as the VC has made no attempts to ensure filling up of posts. Instead his decisions to implement an incorrect roster and introduce arbitrary screening points have led to a situation of these appointments being open to challenge through court. The brazen manner in which teachers were humiliated in interviews and denied promotions and appointment for voicing their academic criticism of the FYUP is yet another example of the vindictive attitude of the VC and his team.

The DUTA warns the administration that serious teachers who will also be serious dissenters are not going to be cowed down by these threats. On the contrary, this will only further deepen our resolve to fight against the criminal decline of this premier university for which we hold you squarely responsible.

President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA


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