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Showing posts from May, 2021

Twenty central universities left without a regular vice-chancellor - The Telegraph

Twenty central universities left without a regular vice-chancellor - The Telegraph Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Letter to Chief Minister , Delhi reg. the 12 DU colleges100% funded by the Delhi Government: 31.05.2021

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Why UGC’s proposal for ‘blended teaching’ is a bad idea | Indian Express

Why UGC’s proposal for ‘blended teaching’ is a bad idea | Indian Express Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA strike for ad-hoc faculty: 27.05.2021

DUTA strike for ad-hoc faculty: 27.05.2021 Get regular DUTA updates.   

DU Teachers Strike for Colleagues Suspended During Pandemic | Newsclick

DU Teachers Strike for Colleagues Suspended During Pandemic | Newsclick Get regular DUTA updates.   

Delhi University teachers strike for ad-hoc faculty | Indian Express

Delhi University teachers strike for ad-hoc faculty | Indian Express Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA calls for strike, online protest against sacking of 12 ad hoc teachers, some of whom are COVID positive - The New Indian Express

DUTA calls for strike, online protest against sacking of 12 ad hoc teachers, some of whom are COVID positive - The New Indian Express Get regular DUTA updates.   

Will ruin quality, exclude the poor: Teachers on UGC’s blended learning move | Careers 360

Will ruin quality, exclude the poor: Teachers on UGC’s blended learning move | Careers 360 Get regular DUTA updates.   

UGC: Universities to offer up to 80 per cent of any non-technical academic programme online - The Telegraph

UGC: Universities to offer up to 80 per cent of any non-technical academic programme online - The Telegraph Get regular DUTA updates.   

Student Unions of 22 DU colleges write to UGC against Open Book Exams, demand cancellation owing to loss caused by pandemic - The New Indian Express

Student Unions of 22 DU colleges write to UGC against Open Book Exams, demand cancellation owing to loss caused by pandemic - The New Indian Express Get regular DUTA updates.   

Students', Teachers' Unions Slam UGC Note on 40% Online Learning | Newsclick

Students', Teachers' Unions Slam UGC Note on 40% Online Learning | Newsclick Get regular DUTA updates.   

FEDCUTA Press Release: 24.05.2021

The Federation of Central Universities Teachers’ Associations (FEDCUTA) condemns arbitrary suspension of faculty member at Central University of Kerala     The Federation of Central Universities Teachers’ Associations (FEDCUTA) notes with concern and condemns the arbitrary suspension of Dr. Gilbert Sebastian, a faculty member at the Central University of Kerala, by the university administration.  Dr. Sebastian, a teacher of International Relations and Politics, was suspended for a few remarks he made in an online class on April 19th where he discussed Fascism and Nazism and brought in the issue of proto-fascist organisations in the contemporary history and politics of India and the world. Probably, it is the first time ever in the country that disciplinary proceedings have been initiated against a teacher for the content of an online class. Now this usage of heuristic categories (like proto-fascist) is common in academic teaching and has been deployed by academics in their tea

Universities in Delhi lose leading lights to Covid-19, DU the worst hit | TOI

Universities in Delhi lose leading lights to Covid-19, DU the worst hit | TOI Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Press Release reg. UGC for pushing NEP in this hour of crisis: 22.5.2021

DUTA slams UGC for pushing NEP in this hour of crisis instead of responding to the health crisis It is extremely shocking that the UGC has, on 20.5.2021, brought out a notification allowing HEIs to teach upto 40% of syllabus of each course (other than SWAYAM course) through online mode and the remaining 60% syllabus of the concerned courses to be taught in the offline mode. This unacademic and ill-timed recommendation will erode the autonomy of HIEs and teachers further. This move towards online education will ensure that a large number of students from underprivileged families or rural areas with limited internet access and computer devices will be denied access to quality education. The concept note turns students into customers and uses fancy clauses like "pick teachers and timings", "frame your courses", "design your degree", "student centric" and so on and so forth. Such dubious and meaningless clauses mask the ulterior reality of the m

DUTA Letter to VC reg. issues related to renewal of services: 21.05.2021

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Blended Mode of Teaching and Learning: Concept Note | UGC

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UGC Public Notice reg. the Blend Mode of teaching: 20.05.2021

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Academic Freedom Is at Stake. We Must Stand in Solidarity With Professor Gilbert Sebastian | The Wire

Academic Freedom Is at Stake. We Must Stand in Solidarity With Professor Gilbert Sebastian | The Wire Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Letter to VC reg. Vivekananda College: 19.5.2021

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DU teachers seek breather on internal assessments | TOI

DU teachers seek breather on internal assessments | TOI Get regular DUTA updates.   

NEP 2020: National Education Policy on fast track, nationwide implementation kick starts in June | Money Control

NEP 2020: National Education Policy on fast track, nationwide implementation kick starts in June | Money Control Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA requests for alternative mode of evaluation for final-semester students | Outlook

DUTA requests for alternative mode of evaluation for final-semester students | Outlook Get regular DUTA updates.   

डीयू: एडहॉक शिक्षकों के परिवार की आर्थिक सहायता के लिए कोविड-19 सपोर्ट फंड बनाने की मांग - ETV Bharat

डीयू: एडहॉक शिक्षकों के परिवार की आर्थिक सहायता के लिए कोविड-19 सपोर्ट फंड बनाने की मांग - ETV Bharat Get regular DUTA updates.   

We need help now: After several colleagues lose battle to COVID-19, DU profs ask VC for COVID emergency fund - The New Indian Express

We need help now: After several colleagues lose battle to COVID-19, DU profs ask VC for COVID emergency fund - The New Indian Express Get regular DUTA updates.   

600 DU Teachers write to VC for Welfare Fund | TOI

600 DU Teachers write to VC for Welfare Fund | TOI Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Letter to VC: Issues for immediate consideration and action - 15.5.2021

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DUTA Letter to VC reg. Teachers’ Welfare Fund: 15.5.2021

DUTA Letter to VC reg. Teachers’ Welfare Fund: 15.5.2021 Prof. P C Joshi          Vice-Chancellor (Acting) University of Delhi Delhi – 110007 15.5.2021 Subject: Issues regarding Teachers’ Welfare Fund Dear Professor Joshi, As you know, the Teachers’ Welfare Fund (TWF) was established through the AC Resolution (No. 262) dated 22.2.1975. Subsequently, from time-to-time decisions were taken through EC Resolutions. The membership is open only to permanent faculty. As per the constitution of the TWF, all permanent faculty were to be covered unless stated by the teacher otherwise. Further, as per the EC Resolution 141(3) dated 22.2.1990, it was decided 5% of the examination remuneration would be deducted towards the TWF. We appreciate that under your leadership the TWF has been reactivated and as requested by the DUTA, financial assistance will be provided to families/legal heir in the case of death of an ad-hoc teacher due to COVID. This is, however, not enough. We request for immed