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Showing posts from December, 2019

DUTA Letter to Staff Associations reg. GBM Resolution, 27.12.2019 and future course of action

GBM Resolution, 27.12.2019 and future course of action To President/Secretary/Office Bearers Staff Association _________________ _________________ 27.12.2019 Dear colleagues, The DUTA General Body, in its meeting held on 27.12.2019, decided to strengthen the ongoing movement by furthering the Indefinite Strike, Evaluation Boycott and the indefinite dharna at the VC Office till the relief as promised in the 5 Dec Record of Discussion are not implemented and for the fulfillment of our key demand of one-time Regulation for Absorption as per DoPT Roster. The General body of 27 December decided that it is paramount that all teachers join on 1st January. All procedures for joining of teachers should be ensured. Please find the DUTA GBM resolution enclosed - LINK The DUTA salutes the colleagues who have been participating in the indefinite dharna, braving bitter cold weather. Many teachers have cancelled their vacation plans to ensure its success. In order to

Resolution of the DUTA General Body; 26.12.2019

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DUTA Press Statement: 24.12.2019

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DUTA Letter to UGC: 18.12.2019

Click here to view in fullscreen , Dan, Principal reg suspension of classes     Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Khali Thali Rally: 18 December 2019, Assemble @ Feroze Shah Kotla at 11:30 am

DUTA Khali Thali Rally: 18 December 2019, Assemble @ Feroze Shah Kotla at 11:30 am  Get regular DUTA updates.   

Delhi University: In many colleges, entire depts rest on ad hoc shoulders | The Indian Express

Delhi University: In many colleges, entire depts rest on ad hoc shoulders | The Indian Express Get regular DUTA updates.   

FEDCUTA condemns police action against democratic protests against the CAA in Jamia Millia Islamia and other campuses

FEDCUTA condemns police action against democratic protests against the CAA in Jamia Millia Islamia and other campuses The FEDCUTA strongly condemns the violence unleashed by the police on peaceful protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act by students of Jamia Milia Islamia. In an unprecedented manner, the police entered the campus without permission and resorted to firing of tear gas shells and dummy firing and even entered the library. It is unfortunate that many students received injuries while others were rounded up and detained at the NFC police station. Both the Jamia Teachers Association and various students' organisations have spoken out against the violence which took place yesterday and have reiterated their commitment to peaceful protests. The JTA has also expressed its anguish at the attack on the secular credentials of the University and appealed for unity and warned against attempts to polarize the University community.  The FEDCUTA notes with extr

DUTA Candle Light Vigil: 17 December 2019, 5pm - 6pm - Assemble at DU Metro Station

DUTA Candle Light Vigil: 17 December 2019, 5pm - 6pm - Assemble at DU Metro Station Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Press Release: December 15, 2019

"The Umbrella that Protects Us": Teachers participate in Unique Protest Demo at the Ongoing DUTA Movement Come rain or sunshine, the DUTA's Movement for dignified employment and absorption of adhoc teachers has continued without any lull into its 12th day, today. Sunday was reserved for the unique 'Umbrella Protest Demo' in which teachers, both adhocs and permanent, assembled with unbrellas at the site of the continuous dharna outside the DU VC's office. The slogan "Value Teachers, Save DU" was written in bold letters on every umbrella. The umbrella is a symbol for refuge and inclusivity. Umbrellas also enable individuals to come together and unite to protect themselves. There are umbrellas that are ever present but there are others that are missing. The union and staff associations are umbrellas that are present for every teacher. On the other hand, the MHRD and DU administration are the missing umbrellas that have stopped wor

DUTA Umbrella Demo: 15 December 2019 at VC Office, 12pm-4pm

DUTA Umbrella Demo: 15 December 2019 at VC Office, 12pm-4pm Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Letter to Staff Associations: 14.12.2019

DUTA Letter to Staff Associations: 14.12.2019 To President/Secretary/Office Bearers ____________ ____________ 14.12.2019 Dear colleagues, We salute participation and mobilisation of Staff Associations in the ongoing movement. Staff Associations, as equal partners, have successfully taken forward the day and night sit in at the VC Office. Despite harsh weather conditions, teachers have continued to participate with conviction and zeal. Massive participation  by teachers is the strength of this movement. Please find enclosed the GBM Resolution adopted by the DUTA General Body in its meeting held on 13.12.2019. We appeal to teachers to remain united. Mass action programmes for the next few days is as follows. 1.  15 December 2019, Sunday, 12 noon – 4 pm: Umbrella Demo Save Teachers Save DU, at the VC office; 2. 17 December 2019, Tuesday, 5 pm – 6 pm: Candle Light Vigil , at DU Metro Station; 3.  18 December 2019, Wednesday, 11:30 am: Khali Thaali Rally f

Resolution of the GBM, 13 December 2019

Click here to view in fullscreen , Dan, Principal reg suspension of classes     Get regular DUTA updates.   

Delhi University teachers protest outside V-C office | The Hindu

Delhi University teachers protest outside V-C office | The Hindu Get regular DUTA updates.   

चलो GBM: 13 December 2019, 11:30 am - Assemble at VC Office

चलो GBM: 13 December 2019, 11:30 am - Assemble at VC Office Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA हड़ताल, सीएबी के आगे का रास्ता और अन्य ख़बरें | Newsclick

DUTA हड़ताल, सीएबी के आगे का रास्ता और अन्य ख़बरें | Newsclick Get regular DUTA updates.   

Why Are DU Teachers Upset with Govt? | Newsclick

Why Are DU Teachers Upset with Govt? | Newsclick Get regular DUTA updates.   

दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय के अस्थायी शिक्षकों को सड़क पर क्यों उतरना पड़ा? | The Wire

दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय के अस्थायी शिक्षकों को सड़क पर क्यों उतरना पड़ा? | The Wire Get regular DUTA updates.   

In Rally for Ad-Hocs, DU Teachers Allege Use of Water Cannons | The Quint

In Rally for Ad-Hocs, DU Teachers Allege Use of Water Cannons | The Quint Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Protest: Teachers take out march demanding one-time regulation to absorb ad hocs | Hindustan Times

DUTA Protest: Teachers take out march demanding one-time regulation to absorb ad hocs | Hindustan Times Get regular DUTA updates.   

DU teachers take out protest march | Millennium Post

DU teachers take out protest march | Millennium Post Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA for regularisation of ad hoc teachers - The Pioneer

DUTA for regularisation of ad hoc teachers - The Pioneer Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Press Release: December 10, 2019

More than 3000 teachers March to Parliament Street and Court Arrest to demand Absorption The protest action by teachers of Delhi University under the banner of the DUTA is continuing since 4th December 2019 without a pause with thousands of teachers continuing the dharna outside VC office. Today teachers took out a massive march called Maha Rally demanding absorption of adhoc and temporary teachers. Police barricades, use of force and water cannon did not deter teachers who marched through the campus and carried out a brief symbolic sit in on the ring road. The Government and the University administration must understand that the demand for justice cannot be defeated by use of brute force. The MHRD has agreed to some of the urgent demands of the DUTA, including the amendment to the 28 August DU Circular  and the counting of past services in all pending cases of promotions as per the 2018 Career Advancement Scheme. However, the demands for absorption and the countin

रोज की मानसिक पीड़ा सह रहीं शिक्षिकाएं | Jansatta

रोज की मानसिक पीड़ा सह रहीं शिक्षिकाएं | Jansatta Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Press Release: December 9, 2019

More than 3000 teachers March to Parliament Street and Court Arrest to demand Absorption The DUTA's movement for absorption of adhoc and temporary teachers has intensified over the past week. More than three housand teachers marched to Parliament Street today, where many of them courted arrest with the DUTA leadership. The MHRD has agreed to some of the urgent demands of the DUTA, including the amendment to the 28 August DU Circular  and the counting of past services in all pending cases of promotions as per the 2018 Career Advancement Scheme. However, the demands for absorption and the counting of total years of service for promotions have not been conceded to by the MHRD. The inhuman and exploitative conditions under which adhoc teachers have been forced to work for many years, including the denial of minimum employee rights like maternity leave etc., can only be mitigated through absorption. The DUTA leadership has written the following letter (appen