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Showing posts from November, 2018

Address long-standing issues, Javadekar urged | The Hindu

Address long-standing issues, Javadekar urged | The Hindu Get regular DUTA updates.   

Delhi University Teachers Hit Parliament Street against UGC and MHRD | Newsclick

Delhi University Teachers Hit Parliament Street against UGC and MHRD | Newsclick Get regular DUTA updates.   

Teachers Protest Against 'Government Apathy Towards Issues Concerning Education' | NDTV

Teachers Protest Against 'Government Apathy Towards Issues Concerning Education' | NDTV Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Memorandum submitted to MHRD: 27.11.2018

Urgent Issues concerning Teachers and Higher Education                                                                    To Shri Prakash Javadekar Hon’ble Minister MHRD,                                              ShastriBhawan New Delhi-110001                                                      27November 2018 Sub: Urgent Issues concerning Teachers and Higher Education Dear Shri Javadekar, The teachers of Delhi University have gathered today to protest against the inaction on a host of issues that should have been repeatedly taken up.It is extremely unfortunate that despite promises to address these issues, there is no movement whatsoever towards resolution of any of these. We once again bring to your notice the following with the hope that this time you will not fail the teachers of the country. 1. The demand for the notification for implementation of revised allowances and pensions, consequent to the VII Pay Revision, and disbursal of the required funds f

DUTA Press Release: 27 November 2018

Teachers protest against Government’s silence and inaction                                                                    Teachers of Delhi University gathered at Parliament Street today under the banner of DUTA to protest against the complete lack of apathy of the MHRD towards the issues concerning teachers not only of DU but affecting universities across the country. The DUTA has been repeatedly raising these issues through representations to the UGC and MHRD but it has fell on deaf ears. Teachers are particularly exercised over the failure of the MHRD to implement revised allowances and pensions, consequent to the VII Pay Revision, and disbursal of the required funds for its implementation. The appointment process is at a halt and the regularisation of thousands of ad-hoc teachers is dependent on the withdrawal of the 5 March 2018 UGC letter asking for implementation of department/subject wise reservation roster and the subsequent freeze on appointments. The DUTA dem

JNUTA Hunger Strike: Staff Questions Diktats of the VC | Newsclick

JNUTA Hunger Strike: Staff Questions Diktats of the VC | Newsclick Get regular DUTA updates.   

Join DUTA Protest Dharna at the Parliament Street on 27 November, 11 am -2 pm

Join DUTA Protest Dharna at the Parliament Street on 27 November, 11 am -2 pm                                                                    To President/Secretary/Office Bearers Staff Association _________________ _________________ 25 Nov 2018 Dear Colleagues, We shall have a Protest Dharna at the Parliament Street on 27 November, 11 am -2 pm as our next action programme to raise our demands. Please mobilise and participate in the programme in large numbers. Please widely share the poster on whatsapp groups, Face Book and emails.  Regards   Rajib Ray President, DUTA Vivek Chaudhary Secretary, DUTA Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Press Release: 20 November 2018

DUTA slams University Administration for inaction on pending issues of teachers                                                                    Teachers participated wholeheartedly in a Dharna at the Arts Faculty Gate to draw attention to the host of pending issues that remain unresolved at the university level due to the gross negligence and inaction by the University Administration. This unprecedented situation in Delhi University whereby no solution seems to be sight for the thousands of teachers who are working under extremely precarious conditions of employment, promotions are pending for long years, the issue of the counting of past service remains unresolved, pensioners are facing a dire situation is completely unacceptable. The insensitive attitude of the University Administration towards the plight of all sections of teachers is condemnable. Teachers are determined to make the authorities see sense that this is only leading to widespread demoralization amongst tea

SOL misusing funds, allege teachers | The Indian Express

SOL misusing funds, allege teachers | The Indian Express Get regular DUTA updates.   

DU cancels Ankiv Baisoya admission after TN varsity confirms degree is fake | The Indian Express

DU cancels Ankiv Baisoya admission after TN varsity confirms degree is fake | The Indian Express Get regular DUTA updates.   

HC asks DU why it kept 2 names out of merit list for prize | TOI

HC asks DU why it kept 2 names out of merit list for prize | TOI Get regular DUTA updates.   

NSUI wants runner-up to take Ankiv Baisoya’s place | TOI

NSUI wants runner-up to take Ankiv Baisoya’s place | TOI Get regular DUTA updates.   

JNU slashed library funds by over Rs 6 crore, says Students’ Union | The Indian Express

JNU slashed library funds by over Rs 6 crore, says Students’ Union | The Indian Express Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Letter to Prof. D. P. Singh, The Chairman, University Grants Commission: 13.11.2018

DUTA Letter to Prof. D. P. Singh,  The Chairman,  University Grants Commission: 13.11.2018                                                                                                                                                                                                       Date: Nov 13, 2018 Prof. D. P. Singh , The Chairman, University Grants Commission, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi - 110001 Sub:    Payment of Revised Honorarium to Guest Teachers in Universities and Colleges Dear Prof D.P. Singh, As you are aware, every year universities and colleges hire guest lecturers for short durations to cover the workload that does not justify appointment of full time teachers and/or for teaching in specialised subject areas. Many professional courses depend on teaching in this mode. At present, the remuneration for a guest lecturer is Rs. 1000 per lecture (as per the 6th Pay Revision) with a maximum limit of Rs.25,000/- per month from a University . W

DUTA Letter to Shri Venkaiah Naidu, The Chancellor, University of Delhi: 13.11.2018

DUTA Letter to Shri Venkaiah Naidu, The Chancellor, University of Delhi: 13.11.2018                                                                                                                                                                                                Date: Nov 13, 2018 Shri Venkaiah Naidu, The Chancellor, University of Delhi, Delhi - 110007 Sub:   Regarding Non-Resolution of Important Issues in Delhi University that Require Your Urgent Intervention Dear Sir, We are honoured to have you with us at the 95th Annual Convocation of Delhi University. We would also like to use this opportunity to urge you to intervene on behalf of teachers on certain crucial issues in the University that require resolution at the earliest. As you are aware, a large section of Delhi University teachers have been endlessly waiting for appointments, absorption, promotions and pensions. It has been over a year since our Hon'ble President, Ram Nath Kovind, directed

‘Internationalising’ Higher Education: Foreign Faculty Appointments without Security Clearance | Newsclick

‘Internationalising’ Higher Education: Foreign Faculty Appointments without Security Clearance | Newsclick Get regular DUTA updates.   

Newly appointed VC of Visva-Bharati University joins office | Business Standard

Newly appointed VC of Visva-Bharati University joins office | Business Standard Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Letter to MHRD, 09.11.2018

DUTA Letter to MHRD, 09.11.2018                                                                    Date: Nov 9, 2018 Shri Prakash Javadekar, Hon'ble Minister, MHRD, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 Sub: Regarding Revision of Allowances under 7th Pay Revision Dear Shri Javadekar, This is to bring to your notice that teachers of the University of Delhi have not received revised allowances under the 7th Pay Revision yet. The UGC has not issued notification of allowances which has resulted into immense hardship for teachers. We appeal to you to give clear directions to the UGC to immediately issue notification for the implementation of the revised allowances and to release funds for the revised allowances to provide relief to teachers. Thanking you. Yours sincerely, Rajib Ray President, DUTA Vivek Chaudhary Secretary, DUTA Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Letter to Prof. D. P. Singh, The Chairman, University Grants Commission: 09.11.2018

DUTA Letter to Prof. D. P. Singh,  The Chairman,  University Grants Commission: 09.11.2018                                                                    Date: Nov 9, 2018 Prof. D. P. Singh, The Chairman, University Grants Commission, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi - 110001 Sub: Regarding Revision of Allowances under 7th Pay Revision Dear Prof. Singh, Please refer to our letter addressed to you dated 19.09.2018. As you are aware, teachers of the University of Delhi have not been given revised allowances under the 7th Pay Revision yet. This inordinate delay in issuing the notification of allowances by the UGC is totally unacceptable. We, once again, appeal to you to immediately issue notification for the implementation of the revised allowances and to release funds for the revised allowances for teachers to mitigate hardship to teachers. Thanking you. Yours sincerely, Rajib Ray President, DUTA Vivek Chaudhary Secretary, DUTA