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Showing posts from October, 2018

DUTA Appeal: Join "University Bachao Rally" on Friday, 2 November 2018

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DUTA Protest Rally: Friday, 2 November 2018 - 12:30 pm

Mandi House to Parliament Street | Assemble at Himachal Bhawan                                                                     Rajib Ray President, DUTA Vivek Chaudhary Secretary, DUTA Get regular DUTA updates.   

Press Release, 29 October: Teachers and students from across the country come together for a Convention on Crisis in Higher Education

  Press Release, 29 October: Teachers and students from across the country come together for a Convention on Crisis in Higher Education The JOINT FORUM FOR MOVEMENT ON EDUCATION successfully organised a Mass National Convention of all national organisations of teachers, students and parents who are active in elementary, primary, secondary and tertiary levels of Education in India. The well-attended Convention took place at the Mavalankar Auditorium in New Delhi today, October 29, 2018. A composite platform of 25 unions in the Education Sector, the JFME has been created to build a mass movement of all stakeholders in Public-funded Education and campaign to restore Public Trust, Equity, Access, Scientific Temper and Constitutional values in Education. The Convention served to bring home the acute crisis facing Education in India and the concomitant threat to Constitutional idea of India as well as democratic aspirations of its people, brought

Under fire from teachers, HRD won’t bring Essential Services Maintenance Act in DU | The Indian Express

Under fire from teachers, HRD won’t bring Essential Services Maintenance Act in DU | The Indian Express Get regular DUTA updates.   

No proposal to bring DU under ESMA, says Centre | TOI

No proposal to bring DU under ESMA, says Centre | TOI Get regular DUTA updates.   

DU exams not to come under ESMA | Deccan Herald

DU exams not to come under ESMA | Deccan Herald Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Press Release: 20 October 2018

DUTA Press Release: 20 October 2018                                                                    The  sinister move by the Government to amend the DU Act to include provisions of the ESMA was part of a design to stifle criticism of and protest against the Government policy to commercialize and privatize higher education and to downgrade the teaching profession. The Minister’s private communication by email, copies of which are circulating, and the subsequent tweet by the MHRD Secretary that the working group constituted for this purpose by the UGC as per MHRD letter was being disbanded are significant. In response to our collective reaction to the Government’s move, the MHRD Secretary had initially denied that there was any such proposal. Moreover, the letter issued by the UGC as per MHRD letter should be formally withdrawn. This is a success of our collective voice. It is also an occasion to renew our resolve to fight for public-funded higher education and democrati

No restriction on freedom of speech at DU and JNU: Centre | The Hindu

No restriction on freedom of speech at DU and JNU: Centre | The Hindu Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA PRESS RELEASE: 18 October 2018

DUTA Will Resist the Government's Authoritarian Attacks on the Democratic Rights of the Teaching Community                                                                      At the behest of the MHRD, the UGC has constituted a Working Group to study the Delhi University Act, 1922 and explore possible alterations that may dissolve the University's institutional autonomy and suspend the democratic rights of its academic community. Specifically, the UGC Committee has been asked to consider bringing Exams/ Teaching/ Learning/ Evaluation under the Essential Services Maintenance Act (ESMA). This comes immediately after the UGC's directive to all central universities to adopt CCS rules for teachers. The DUTA condemns this vicious attack on the academic community's intellectual autonomy and the violation of its moral prerogative to nurture free thinking and democratic values. While the Government has been aggressively pursuing policies of commercialisation and pri

FEDCUTA Press Release: 12 October 2018

FEDCUTA opposes attempts to curtail democratic rights of teachers through imposition of CCS Rules The FEDCUTA, in an emergent meeting held on 11 October 2018, took serious note of the constant threats being posed to the freedom of expression and other democratic rights of teachers of Central Universities through attempts to bring them under the ambit of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 (CCS Conduct Rules). A recent letter sent by the UGC to all Central Universities in May reveals the insidious attempts of the Government to bring University teachers across the country under these rules, thus curtailing their democratic rights to participate in a host of activities that will redefine the role of teachers in society. While earlier IGNOU was an isolated instance where this was tried, in recent times the imposition of CCS Conduct Rules is being witnessed in several Central Universities. Several of the new Central Universities created by the Centra

DUTA rallies against govt’s tripartite MoU | The Hindu

DUTA rallies against govt’s tripartite MoU | The Hindu Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA protests against tripartite MoU | Millennium Post

DUTA protests against tripartite MoU | Millennium Post Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA marches against Centre's tripartite MoU, MHRD's freeze on permanent appointments | The Tribune

DUTA marches against Centre's tripartite MoU, MHRD's freeze on permanent appointments | The Tribune Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA PRESS RELEASE: 10 October 2018

DUTA Protest March Against Tripartite MoU and MHRD's Freeze on Permanent Appointments joined by Hundreds of Teachers and Students                                                                     Hundreds of teachers and students marched under the DUTA's banner from Mandi House to the Parliament to protest the Central Government's bullying insistence on the Tripartite MoU and its failure to issue an Ordinance on the Reservation Roster that will help resume permanent appointments for the thousands of vacant teaching posts across DU departments and colleges. The DUTA is categorically opposed to the Tripartite MoU because it asks the University and its colleges to generate resources through regular fee-hikes, increased enrollment and mobilise revenue from corporate sources, alumni and through self-financed courses. It also puts an end to UGC grants and forces the University to take infrastructure loans through HEFA. Additionally, it allows the MHRD to set abs

Delhi University Teacher's Lead March to Protest Against Privatisation of Education | Newsclick

Delhi University Teacher's Lead March to Protest Against Privatisation of Education | Newsclick Get regular DUTA updates.   

Withdraw 'Tripartite MoU', Demands Delhi University Teachers | NDTV

Withdraw 'Tripartite MoU', Demands Delhi University Teachers | NDTV Get regular DUTA updates.   

Memorandum to MHRD - 10 October 2018

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New twist to ongoing Manipur university crisis | Northeast Live

New twist to ongoing Manipur university crisis | Northeast Live Get regular DUTA updates.   

Winning NSUI candidates at Allahabad University | Caravan Daily

Winning NSUI candidates at Allahabad University | Caravan Daily Get regular DUTA updates.   

DU’s Executive Council to seek legal opinion in sexual harassment case - The Pioneer

DU’s Executive Council to seek legal opinion in sexual harassment case - The Pioneer Get regular DUTA updates.   

Charges against professor turn Delhi University meet stormy | India Today

Charges against professor turn Delhi University meet stormy | India Today Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Leaflet: "Say No to the Tripartite MoU"

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