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Showing posts from May, 2018

DUTA Goes on Mass Hunger Strike to Save India’s Education System | Newsclick

DUTA Goes on Mass Hunger Strike to Save India’s Education System | Newsclick Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA protests against UGC’s new reservation policy | The Hindu

DUTA protests against UGC’s new reservation policy | The Hindu Get regular DUTA updates.   

Central universities have over 80 per cent reserved seats for senior faculty lying vacant | The Print

Central universities have over 80 per cent reserved seats for senior faculty lying vacant | The Print  Get regular DUTA updates.   

अनशन पर डीयू के टीचर्स, आरक्षण को मिटाने की साजिश / DUTA ON HUNGER STRIKE ON RESERVATION - BolTantra

अनशन पर डीयू के टीचर्स, आरक्षण को मिटाने की साजिश / DUTA ON HUNGER STRIKE ON RESERVATION - BolTantra Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Letter to MHRD, 30.05.2018

DUTA Letter to MHRD, 30.05.2018 Shri Prakash Javadekar, Hon'ble Minister MHRD, ShastriBhavan, New Delhi-110001                                                                                           30 May 2018 Subject: Seeking Urgent Intervention Dear Shri Javadekar, In continuation of our letter dated 18 May 2018, we wish to remind you that we had sought an appointment with you to discuss issues of teachers which have constrained the DUTA to take an extreme step of Evaluation Boycott. In the DUTA letter to you dated 18 May 2018 we had given details of the issues (attached). Teachers have been on a total Evaluation Boycott since 9 May 2018, for almost three weeks now, which reflects their anger and unhappiness over the fact that crucial issues relating to their working conditions have remained unresolved for past several years. The DUTA has been compelled to adopt this mode of protest as a last resort because of disregard of teachers’ feedback on policy ma

DUTA holds hunger strike against UGC circular on faculty reservation | Business Standard

DUTA holds hunger strike against UGC circular on faculty reservation | Business Standard Get regular DUTA updates.   

Colleges being privatized in the name of autonomy, allege protesting Delhi University teachers - Mirror Now

Colleges being privatized in the name of autonomy, allege protesting Delhi University teachers - Mirror Now Get regular DUTA updates.   


SATYAGRAHA- MASS HUNGER STRIKE against attack on Reservation Policy Teachers and students braved the scorching heat and participated in massive numbers in the DUTA Satyagraha and Mass Hunger Strike today, at the Parliament Street, between 10 am and 5.30 pm. The focus of today's Mass Hunger Strike was the UGC's standing March 5 Notification asking universities and colleges to redraw their Reservation Rosters on the basis of departments as units. Even as the MHRD has itself filed a plea in the Supreme Court, asking for a Review of this controversial decision, the UGC has refused to withdraw the Notification.  If the Notification is not withdrawn, it will set the affirmative policy of Social Justice through Reservation back by a decades. A whole generation of Research Scholars from SC, ST and OBC categories who are waiting for academic jobs will get excluded by this absurd anti-reservation decision as it undermines the proportionate method of ensuring that Constitutio

KYS extends support to DUTA 'Satyagarh' | UNI

KYS extends support to DUTA 'Satyagarh' | UNI Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA holds hunger strike against UGC circular on faculty reservation | India Today

DUTA holds hunger strike against UGC circular on faculty reservation | India Today Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Letter to VC, 29.05.18 - Evaluation Boycott and Mass Hunger Strike

DUTA Letter to VC, 29.05.18 -  Evaluation Boycott and Mass Hunger Strike Prof Yogesh Tyagi                                                                                                     Date: May 29, 2018 The Vice Chancellor University of Delhi Subject: DUTA Appeal Dear Prof. Tyagi, You are aware that teachers have been on a total Evaluation Boycott since 9 May 2018, for almost three weeks now, which reflects their anger and unhappiness over the fact that crucial issues relating to their working conditions have remained unresolved for past several years. Issues of permanent appointments/ absorption and regularization of Ad hoc and temporary teachers, promotions and pension are affecting teachers in their professional and personal lives and this denial of their basic rights is a cause for huge demoralization. The DUTA has been compelled to adopt this mode of protest as a last resort because of the complete apathy of the authorities towards teachers’ grievances

How underpaid ad-hoc teachers are keeping Indian universities running | The Print

How underpaid ad-hoc teachers are keeping Indian universities running | The Print Get regular DUTA updates.   

Despite HC Order, Over 1,000 Retired Delhi University Teachers, Staff Denied Pension | The Wire

Despite HC Order, Over 1,000 Retired Delhi University Teachers, Staff Denied Pension | The Wire Get regular DUTA updates.   

DUTA Letter to Staff Associations, 27.05.18

DUTA Letter to Staff Associations, 27.05.18 To President/Secretary/Office Bearers Staff Association _____ _____ 27 May 2018 Dear Colleagues, Please find enclosed poster for Satyagrah - Mass Hunger Strike, 30 May, 10 am -5 pm. The venue of the Hunger Strike will be Parliament Street. Please share and circulate the poster widely. We appeal to the Staff Associations to mobilise for the 30 May protest programme. Please send names of atleast 10 volunteers from your college who will fast on 30 May. We request all colleagues to be part of the Protest programme and join it in solidarity. We also appeal Staff Associations to convene meetings for mobilisation and to send feedback for the Extended DUTA Executive meeting scheduled for 31 May 2018. The next meeting of the General Body will be held on 1 June , 10 am to decide the future course of action. Participate in DUTA mass action programmes, take the struggle forward. Rajib Ray President, DUTA Vivek Chaudhar

4 years of Modi: Where is the new education policy promised 3 years ago? | National Herald

4 years of Modi: Where is the new education policy promised 3 years ago? | National Herald Get regular DUTA updates.   

सत्याग्रह : Mass Hunger Strike at Parliament Street, 30 May 2018; 10am-5pm

सत्याग्रह : Mass Hunger Strike at Parliament Street, 30 May 2018; 10am-5pm Please find enclosed poster for Satyagrah - Mass Hunger Strike, 30 May, 10 am -5 pm. The venue of the Hunger Strike will be Parliament Street. Please share and circulate the poster wide Rajib Ray President, DUTA Vivek Chaudhary Secretary, DUTA Get regular DUTA updates.   

FEDCUTA Press Release: 25 May 2018

FEDCUTA condemns the Show-cause Notices to Teachers of the Nagaland University It has been brought to our notice that some teachers of the Nagaland University have been served with show-cause notices by the Deputy Commissioner and District Election Officer of Kohima, Nagaland threatening disciplinary action on account of being found "absent" from election duties. The FEDCUTA condemns this issuing of show-cause notices and demands immediate unconditional withdrawal of these notices. It is a well-known practice that teachers of Central Universities are exempted from election duties. This is done to protect the political rights of Central University teachers as they enjoy the privilege to be active members of political parties during service as seen in cases of several Central Ministers, Ministers of State and Chief Ministers in the past. Teachers are allowed to take five years leave, stand for election and then rejoin service. The Nagaland University T

DUTA Letter to Staff Associations, 25.05.18

DUTA Letter to Staff Associations, 25.05.18 To President/Secretary/Office Bearers Staff Association _____ _____ 25 May 2018 Dear Colleagues, The the General Body in its meeting held on 23 May 2018 decided unanimously the following action programmes. 1.      Continue with the Evaluation Boycott till further review. 2.      "DU Bachao" protest at the UGC on Thursday, 24 May, 9:30 am -1:30 pm 3.      "Satyagraha: Mass Hunger Strike", Wednesday, 30 May 2018, 10 am – 5 pm, Mandi House: DUTA will also write to teachers' and students' unions of other universities. 4.      To hold DUTA Extended Executive on Thursday, 31 May 2018, 2:30 pm. 5.      To hold DUTA GBM on Friday, 1 June 2018, 10 am. The GBM resolution is attached. Please circulate it widely. The DUTA held its protest at the UGC on 24 May 2018. Senior UGC Officials informed the DUTA President that the item on grant of autonomy to St Stephen's College has been dropped. This last minute change in

प्रेस विज्ञप्ति: यू.जी.सी के बाहर विरोध प्रदर्शन: 24.05.2018

प्रेस विज्ञप्ति: यू.जी.सी के बाहर विरोध प्रदर्शन: 24.05.2018 सेंट स्टीफंस कॉलेज व हिन्दू कॉलेज को  ' स्वायत्त '  संस्था घोषित करने की यू.जी.सी की प्रस्तावित योजना का भारी विरोध दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय शिक्षक-संघ ने यू.जी.सी कार्यालय के बाहर दर्ज करवाया। इस विरोध में शिक्षक और छात्र दोनों के साथ जे.एन.यू. शिक्षक संघ के अध्यक्ष ,  गीता कुमारी ने भी मिलकर हिस्सेदारी की।  आज "स्वायत्तता" का मसला विश्वविद्यालय के दरवाजे पर खड़ा है। आज के दिन के प्रस्तावित  ' यू.जी.सी फुल कमीशन मीटिंग '  के महत्वपूर्ण एजेंडों में से एक स्वायत्तता का मसला था। लेकिन आज सुबह यू.जी.सी के कुछ अधिकारियों ने डूटा अध्यक्ष को इस बात से अवगत करवाया कि हिन्दू कॉलेज और सेंट स्टीफंस कॉलेज को स्वायत्त करने के मसले को यू.जी.सी ने आज की मीटिंग के प्रस्तावित अजेंडे से बाहर हटा लिया है। डूटा के लगातार विरोध व निरंतर संघर्ष के कारण यू.जी.सी को अंतिम क्षण में इस निर्णय के लिए बाध्य होना पड़ा। लेकिन इस तरह की कोई गारंटी नही कि सरकार आगे पुन: इस तरह के पब्लिक फंडेड प्रतिष्ठित संस्थानों को न


DUTA Protests outside UGC Meeting; Autonomy for St. Stephen's and Hindu College Deferred Owing to Continuous Movement of Teachers and Students Teachers and students of DU took their protests against forced Autonomy to the UGC's doorstep today. The DUTA agitated outside the UGC while a Full Commission Meeting of the UGC was on. Senior UGC Officials informed the DUTA President today morning that the item on granting Autonomy to St. Stephen's and Hindu College has been dropped from the agenda of the meeting. This last minute change in the agenda of the Full Commission meeting is owing to continuous protests.This deferral is, however, no guarantee against the Government's plan to privatise its premier public-funded higher educational institutions. The DUTA emphasises the fact that DU already has its own statutory Autonomy inscribed in its founding Act and its constituent colleges partake of this Autonomy. In this context, no other form of Autonomy that violates its

DUTA General Body Resolution; 23 May 2018

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डूटा प्रेस विज्ञप्ति: 23 मई, 2018

डूटा प्रेस विज्ञप्ति: 23 मई , 2018 सर्वसम्मति से आज दिनांक 23 मई 2018 को ड़ूटा की जनरल बॉडी मीटिंग में उत्तर पुस्तिका मूल्यांकन के बहिष्कार को सफलतापूर्वक चलाए रखने के लिए सभी शिक्षक साथियों को बधाई देते हुए डूटा अध्यक्ष ने छात्र संगठनों और कर्मचारी संगठन को भी इस बहिष्कार में साथ देने की अपील की है! इस बैठक मे यह भी निर्णय लिया गया की डूटा अब सोशल मीटिंग के ज़रिए जनता के बीच उच्च शिक्षा को लेकर सरकार की शिक्षा और शिक्षक विरोधी नीतियों को बड़े पैमाने पर ले जाने का काम करेगी , जिससे संसद सदस्यों और विभिन्न राजनीतिक दलों के नेताओ का भी सहयोग लेना होगा! सरकार के महाविद्यालयों को स्वायत्त स्थिति देने का जोरदार तरीके से विरोध करते हुए डूटा ने आज निम्न प्रस्ताव पारित किया- 1.   उत्तर पुस्तिका मूल्यांकन का बहिष्कार अगली डूटा बैठक तक जारी ! 2.   यू.जी.सी पर 24 मई 2018 को 9:30 से 1:30 बजे के बीच “ DU अचाओ” के रूप में प्रदर्शन! 3.   30 मई 2018 को 10:00 बजे से 5:00 बजे के बीच मंडी हाउस पर सामूहिक सत्याग्रह “भूख हड़ताल”! 4.   01 मई 2018 को 10:00 बजे डूटा जनरल बॉडी मीटिंग!