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Showing posts from October, 2012

Press Release, 31.10.2012

The DU V-C and University Administration cut a sorry figure when, despite petty machinations to prevent the DUTA and assembled students and karamcharis from holding their Joint Protest and burning his effigy, the DUTA not only succeeded in doing so, but it also ensured that the situation did not become violent or get out of hand. The V-C had called in the entire security and police to prevent the DUTA from organizing the Protest. The university security stole the head of the V-C’s effigy and tried to snatch away the remaining effigy. Security personnel breached the law in front of mute police constables when they tried to forcibly disperse the human chain, formed by teachers and students, around the effigy. The resilient protesters did not budge and the DUTA assembled another effigy in no time and burnt it with accompanying slogans condemning the V-C who was labelled as a “Rockstar Feudal V-C.” The DUTA, karamcharis, as well as the strong turn-out of students who had assem

Songs, March & Effigy Burning, 31.10.2012

DAY 22 Indefinite Relay Hunger Strike

Press Release, 30.10.2012

Teachers have joined elected member of the Academic Council, Mr. S.K. Sagar on the DUTA Indefinite Relay Hunger Strike which has entered 21st day without a break since it was started on 10 October 2012. Prof. Dinesh Singh has proved to be the most insensitive person to ever hold the office of the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Delhi. More well-known and learned persons who have held the office in the past had never displayed such insensitivity and were not afraid to engage with the grievances raised by the teaching community. In fact, the University had an enlightened tradition of the Vice-Chancellors coming out to meet protesters. The present incumbent, Prof. Singh is weary of facing questions and entering into any dialogue. This unprecedented decline in civilised and academic interaction combined with completely arbitrary manner in which policy decisions are being thrust has united teachers, students and karamcharis to fight for restoring  academic and democr

Indian Express Reports

Citybriefs: DUTA seeks new HRD minister's help - Indian Express Oct 29, 2010 ... Citybriefs:   DUTA   seeks new HRD minister's help - The Delhi University Teachers' Association (DUTA) on Sunday appealed to the ... DUTA calls for week-long strike from Monday - Indian Express duta -calls-for...from.../701406 Oct 23, 2010 ... DUTA calls for week-long strike from Monday - The Delhi University Teachers' Association (DUTA) called for a week-long strike starting... DUTA proposes three-pronged protest against univ - Indian Express duta -proposes.../1020187 Oct 22, 2012 ... DUTA proposes three-pronged protest against univ - Students and staff may join agitation against administration's alleged 'arbitrary decisions'... DU issues notice to DUTA for drawing power 'illegally' at protest venue

Press Release, 28.10.2012

From the site of DUTA’s Indefinite Relay Hunger Strike today, DUTA President Amar Deo Sharma has appealed to newly appointed HRD Minister Pallam Raju to immediately intervene in the interests of thousands of Delhi University students, teachers and karamcharis who are demanding the restoration of democratic functioning, fulfillment of the constitutional obligation of implementing the Government’s Reservation policy in all entry-level appointments and the immediate roll back of ill-conceived examination reforms which threaten to destroy the credibility and sanctity of Delhi University examinations. On the 19 th consecutive day of the Hunger strike mother and daughter duo, Prof. Tanya Roy of department of GRS and her daughter Tara, a student, sat on Hunger Strike alongside Academic Council member Prof. Amitava Chakraborty. Students and karamcharis have started coming out in open support of DUTA’s Hunger Strike as they feel that the DUTA is putting up a just and valiant fight aga

news4education, 27.10.2012

शिक्षकों   की उपेक्षा अब बर्दाश्त नहीं: डूटा 10 अक्तू 2012   डूटा का आंदोलन जारी- तदर्थ   शिक्षकों   ने कैंडल   ... 12 अक्तू 2012   डीयू प्रशासन के विरोध में डूटा लेगा संगीत का सहारा 13 अक्तू 2012   ईद के दिन भी डूटा का आंदोलन जारीईद-के-दिन-भी-डूटा-का-आंदोलन- जारी-13855/ 27 अक्तू 2012  

Times of India, 27.10.12

Hundreds gather in Delhi University for joint protest against vice-chancellor

Dainik Jagran, 26.10.2012

दैनिक जागरण, 2 -- डूसू, डूटा व डूक्कू ने कुलपति के खिलाफ मिलाया हाथ

The Hindu, 26.10.2012

The Hindu : NATIONAL / NEW DELHI : DU teachers to raise the pitch of their battle against V-C

Times of India, 26.10.2012

Delhi University teachers, students for joint protest against VC

Pioneer, 26.10.2012

Students, karamcharis join DUTA’s V-C stir -- The Pioneer

Reports, 26.10.2012

Students, teachers, staff members of DU to hold joint protest today Financial Express  - ‎Oct 26, 2012‎ New Delhi: Students, teachers and college karamacharis of Delhi University will jointly hold a demonstration outside the Vice Chancellor's office on Friday to highlight their grievances. Members of Delhi University Teachers' Association (DUTA) have been on ... Delhi University teachers, students for joint protest against VC Times of India  - ‎Oct 26, 2012‎ NEW DELHI: In a rare event, the teachers, students and non-teaching-staff associations of Delhi University are joining forces. They have announced a "joint protest" on Friday, on the premises of the vice-chancellor's office, at the same spot where the Delhi ... Joint protest by Delhi University teachers, students on Friday NDTV  - ‎Oct 26, 2012‎ New Delhi: Teachers, students and the non- teaching staff of Delhi University will come together for a joint protest o

JOINT PROTEST, 26.10.2012

DAY 17 Indefinite Relay Hunger Strike

DUSU-DUTA-DUCKU: Joint Press Conference

JOINT PROTEST PRESS STATEMENT Click here to view the statement in fullscreen.

Hindustan Times, 24.10.2012

Three DU teachers to correct each set of exam papers - Hindustan Times Delhi University’s (DU) examination branch is all set to revamp the process of correcting papers. Starting this semester, the department will ensure that at least three professors are involved in the evaluation process of every packet of papers that is sent to them. “With effect from this semester, we will ensure that a panel of three members verifies ever packet of answer scripts. The three members will divide the checking for a particular packet of answer scripts among themselves to ensure that there is no discrepancy in correcting papers,” said a senior DU official, requesting anonymity. Yet, this measure is an indirect mechanism to curb the number of re-evaluation or rechecking requests that the examination branch has to cope with every semester. “We are doing this to assure students that corrections are done in a fair and thorough manner. We receive a lot of requests for re-evaluation

Article, The Hindu, October 24, 2012

Read article Everything is at stake at Delhi University MUKUL MANGLIK

Hindustan Times, 23.10.2012

DUTA to hold joint protest against V-C - Hindustan Times

Indian Express, 22.10.2012

DUTA proposes three-pronged protest against univ - Indian Express

Press Release, 22.10.2012

Teachers from Hindu College, Rajdhani College, Daulat Ram College and Shyam Lal Evening College have been sitting on DUTA’s Indefinite Relay Hunger Strike which is running for its thirteenth day. Duta Vice-President Harish Khanna and DUTA Executive member Surendra Kumar are also sitting on Hunger Strike alongside the teacher-volunteers. The DUTA has been able to keep the Hunger Strike going despite the festive season and holidays punctuating the academic session. This has been made possible because Staff Associations and College teachers have been relentlessly coming forward to keep the Hunger Strike on. The DUTA has meanwhile announced a mega-Joint Protest of students, teachers and karamcharis to raise a united voice of dissent against the Government’s interference in policy decisions, its attack on the University’s autonomy, as well as the V-C’s adamant and arrogant move to dismantle the University’s democratic structures, scuttle the teachers’ movement and push the entire Unive

The Hindu, 19.10.2012

The Hindu : NATIONAL / NEW DELHI : DU teachers walk barefoot during anti-reforms march

Jagran Post, 19.10.2012

DU teachers protest government’s reform agenda, carry out barefoot march

Press Release, 19.10.2012

The simmering discontent of teachers and students in Delhi University against its Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dinesh Singh is gradually beginning to change into full-fledged anger. This was evident in the speeches and slogans that rent the air amidst the large gathering assembled at the continuing DUTA Indefinite Relay Hunger Strike today. Teachers from Indraprastha College for Women, Rajdhani College, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences and Ramanujan College sat on Hunger Strike today. Academic Council members Monika Mishra, Sheo Dutt also sat on hunger Strike today. The DU V-C was described as an “institution-breaker” who has unleashed a wave of changes that threaten to dismember the university into fragments and dismantle all the structures that have sustained its unified collegial character so far. The recently announced changes in the examination system came in for special flak. The University is perceived to be entirely washing its hands off th

Press Release, 18.10.2012

Hundreds of students, karamcharis and teachers took to the streets of the Delhi University campus on a ‘Barefoot March’ organized by the DUTA to call attention on the pseudo-reform agenda of the MHRD through which higher education in India is rapidly being made inaccessible for the common man. The spectacular DUTA march which culminated at the Arts Faculty of the University was accompanied by slogans celebrating the enduring spirit of the common people and the revolutionary songs of Bob Dylan and Pete Seeger. The DUTA maintains that the Government’s aggressive promotion of private interests and FDI in higher education betrays the tall claims it has been making on the Right to Education. Dependence on the private sector to give a push to the Gross Enrollment Ratio in higher education is utterly wrong as the exponential increase in fees will ensure that the largest sections of the society, i.e. the lower middle class and the laboring poor shall be kept out of quality education. Sinc

Letter to DUSU on 18.10.12

Letter to DUSU on 18.10.12 Click here to view the letter in fullscreen.

BAREFOOT MARCH, 18.10.2012

DAY 11 Indefinite Relay Hunger Strike