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Showing posts from September, 2012

The Hindu, 26.9.2012

The Hindu : NATIONAL / NEW DELHI : DUTA hits out at pay cut

Press Release, 25.9.2012

The Delhi University Teachers’ Association (DUTA) slams the illegal letter issued by the University’s Deputy Registrar to Deans, Heads of Departments and College Principals, directing them to cut a day’s salary for teachers who participated in the 28 August DUTA Strike and the 24-hour Hunger Strike of the Executive. This letter smacks of the arrogance and authoritarianism which have become the hallmark of the current University Administration. Since the teachers’ service conditions are well-defined in the University Ordinances, the Vice Chancellor has no authority, not even under emergency powers, to take any such action. It should be recalled that, contrary to labour laws enshrined anywhere in this world where employees have the right to determine the nature of their own leave, this VC had directed the Registrar to instruct the college Principals and Heads of Departments to cancel all types of leave for the teachers on the day of the Strike. The same objections apply to the recen

The Hindu, 24.9.2012

The Hindu : Cities / Delhi : DU teachers to sit on hunger strike in October

Times of India, 23.9.2012

TOI Report on "Academic Reforms" Click here to view the Report in fullscreen.

Hindustan Times, 22.9.2012

DUTA threatens hunger strike - Hindustan Times

DUTA General Body Resolution, 22.9.2012

Resolution adopted unanimously by the DUTA General Body at its Meeting held at Ramjas College on September 22, 2012 The General Body of the DUTA takes a serious note of the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dinesh Singh’s unbecoming and perverse attitude in not meeting and coming to the negotiation table with DUTA while the University abounds in a galore of academic problems, teachers’ grievances and administrative ailments. This General Body condemns the Vice Chancellor for commenting that DUTA is an “illegal welfare body made by teachers” and the Delhi University Administration, for calling the activities of DUTA “farcical.” Not only this, now has the Vice Chancellor undertaken a nefarious exercise of pressurizing various college Principals not to allow the DUTA to hold its own GBMs on their premises, of which the withdrawals of already granted permissions for the same by SRCC and Ramjas College are glaring instances. It is another matter that in the case of the latter, permission was

Press Release, 21.9.2012

A delegation of the Delhi University Teachers’ Association (DUTA) met the President of India, Hon’ble Shri Pranab Mukherjee, today in order to apprise him of the prevailing administrative vacuum and subversion of the University’s autonomy affected by the dysfunctional and autocratic Vice Chancellor of the University. The delegation comprised all the DUTA office bearers who took turns to enlighten the President, who is also the Visitor of the University, about the serious lapses of the current Vice Chancellor from the time he took over in November 2010. The lapses reported include, on the VC’s part, a series of violations of the University Act, its Statutes and Ordinances, the brazen misuse of Emergency Powers to bring in courses and start new Centers like the Cluster Innovation Center, the manner in which he has forced the AC to pass plagiarized courses under the B. Tech in Innovation programme, as well as his culpability and lack of accountability in the widely reported ‘Marks S

DUTA Newsletter Sept 2012

Click here to view the Newsletter in fullscreen.  



Press Release, 11.9.2012

Office Bearers of the Delhi University Teachers’ Association (DUTA) met the Chief Minister of Delhi Smt. Sheila Dixit yesterday, in an effort to seek her help for the resolution of long-standing issues within the University, which are threatening to destabilize the teaching-learning processes and rob the University of its Credibility and Prestige. The DUTA representatives apprised Smt. Dixit of the Vice Chancellor’s stubborn attempts to stonewall all dialogue and evade the DUTA, his callous unwillingness to start appointments in the four thousand teaching vacancies despite repeated appeals by the DUTA and directives from the MHRD and UGC to do so, as well as the patently undemocratic and illegal means through which he is trying to impose changes in the name of academic reforms in the University. Smt. Dixit expressed alarm about the Vice Chancellor’s behavior and promised to do everything at her disposal to alleviate the legitimate grievances of teachers. She was also reminded of