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Showing posts from July, 2012

Press Release, 23.7.2012

Even as the Delhi University administration, abetted and guided by the MHRD, has been fast-tracking a slew of damaging alterations in the structure and content of its academic programmes, by making a mockery of the University Act, Statutes and Ordinances and by depriving the academic community of its enshrined right to exercise its collective wisdom over issues of grave importance, the basic concerns of teachers and students in the university are going unheeded. Over the last week, horrified teachers of the University have been witness to the nasty manner in which the Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dinesh Singh has proceeded to subvert the rule of law, stifled voices of opposition in the Academic Council through open-threats, abused his own powers and thrown all caution to the winds to bring in the MHRD’s pet-projects of Meta-College, Meta-University and the Credit-based Transfer System for the benefit of the Private and Foreign Higher Education Mafia to Delhi University. Under the flimsy

प्रेस- विज्ञप्ति. 23.7.2012

एक ओर मानव संसाधन मंत्रालय के निर्देशन और प्रोत्साहन पर जहाँ दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय प्रशासन अपने अकादमिक कार्यक्रमों की संरचना और अंतर्वस्तु में नुकसानदेह फेरबदल की प्रक्रिया को और तेजी से अंजाम देने के लिए एक तो विश्वविद्यालय के नियमों अधिनियमों और अध्यादेशों का मजाक बना रहा है दूसरे विश्वविद्यालय के अकादमिक समुदाय द्वारा विश्वविद्यालय के गंभीर मसलों पर अपनी सामूहिक राय बनाने और विमर्श करने के प्रतिष्ठापित अधिकार से उसे वंचित कर रहा है। वहीं दूसरी ओर शिक्षकों और छात्रों के मूलभूत अधिकारों को ताक पर रख दिया जा रहा है। पिछले हफ़्ते संत्रस्त शिक्षकों ने देखा कि किस अश्लील तरीके से वाइस चांसलर प्रो० दिनेश सिंह ने कानून के शासन को तोड़ मरोड़ कर विद्वत्‍परिषद में असहमति की आवाजों को खुले तौर पर धमकियाँ देकर अपने अधिकारों का बेजा इस्तेमाल किया और प्राइवेट और विदेशी उच्च शिक्षा माफिया को लाभ पहुँचाने के लिए मानव संसाधन मंत्रालय के पालतू प्रोजेक्ट मेटा कॉलेज मेटा युनिवर्सिटी और क्रेडिट आधारित ट्रांसफर प्रणाली को दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय में लाने के लिए सारी चेतावनियों को धता बता दिया। विश्वविद

Semester system sparks off debate | dna

Semester system sparks off debate | dna Get regular DUTA updates.   

EC Minutes 22 July 2012

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Press Release, 21.7.2012

The Delhi University Teachers’ Association (DUTA) strongly condemns the vice-chancellor’s nefarious move to convene a “Special and Emergent” (contradiction in terms) meeting of the Academic Council today to bring about sweeping changes in the name of academic reforms. As a matter of settled rule, only one item can be discussed in an emergent meeting. But the VC is abusing this emergent Academic Council meeting to get approvals for Meta University and Meta College, new courses like B. Tech in Humanities and Master’s in Mathematics Education, to amend Ordinance X-D and bring in Credit Transfer System (even as there is no approved Credit System in the University) and pass a slew of plagiarized, poorly designed and sub-standard syllabi. All this is being done in gross violation of the University Act, Statutes and Ordinances. No discussion on these major academic matters has ever taken place at the levels of statutory Courses Committees, Faculties or the relevant Departments. And yet

Students can study at several colleges for a single degree | Daily Mail Online

Students can study at several colleges for a single degree | Daily Mail Online Get regular DUTA updates.   

DU’s meta university, college facing opposition - The Hindu

DU’s meta university, college facing opposition - The Hindu Get regular DUTA updates.   

Press Release, 18.7.2012

In yet another deplorable deviation from standard practices, the Vice Chancellor of Delhi University has announced a “Special Meeting on Emergent Basis” to browbeat the Academic Council and Executive Council into accepting and passing the controversial proposals and syllabi for the Meta-University course of Masters in Mathematical Education and the four-year Meta-College course for B.Tech in Humanities. While introduction of new courses and the restructuring of courses and syllabi are “regular matters” in the Ordinances, Statutes and Regulations of the University (as they require the supreme academic body, the Academic Council, to give time and apply its mind on the rigour and value of such courses) the VC’s attempt to muscle them in through emergency meetings shows scant regard for academic quality and the blind inclination to dance to the tunes of a government which wants to hastily hand higher education over to private players through the credit-based transfer system and smugg

Letter to VC, 16.7.2012

The Vice-Chancellor University of Delhi Delhi – 110007 Sub: Unilateral announcements through the media regarding major academic changes Dear Sir, With reference to the above, your attention is specifically drawn to your recent unceremonious announcement in the media regarding ‘Four-Year Graduation Programme’ to start from 2013. It is a matter of great concern that, like your past practice, you have again rushed to the media with the announcement while no concept/ vision papers have been discussed in the Academic Council, nor have they been circulated in the Departments and Colleges. Neither is there anything available on the DU website. It will be pertinent to point out that this brazen violation of the University Act, Statutes and Ordinances does not augur well for the academic health of the University. Not only that it is demoralizing for the teaching and learning fraternity, but also bringing incalculable damage and bad name to the University’s prestige and reputation. These c

Committee warns against too many assignments - The Times of India

Committee warns against too many assignments - The Times of India Get regular DUTA updates.   

Press Release, 10.7.2012

In an exclusive meeting of its Executive, the Delhi University Teachers’ Association (DUTA) passed and adopted an extensive critical report on the proposed Academic Restructuring of Delhi University and the new announcements on the four-year undergraduate programme and the meta-university and meta-college models, made by the Vice Chancellor in recent times. The report, prepared by an authorized DUTA subcommittee, has taken stock of the retrogressive trends in higher education like wholesale commercialization and steady withdrawal of public funding, as well as the government’s complete failure to recruit more teachers and provide the necessary infrastructure to effectively implement its expansion and inclusion policies. The report also emphasizes on the ironical situation in which the government has, in its own exclusive wisdom, deemed it fit to redraw the existing framework of higher education on the basis of dubious and discredited American models, in order to suit the commercia

DUTA Report on Academic Reforms

Click here to view the Report in fullscreen.